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Just Marvelous

  • 1 Just Marvelous

    Chat: JM

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Just Marvelous

  • 2 Р-23

    КАК РАЗ ( Invar
    1. coll
    usu. adv
    timely, at the appropriate time: (at) just the right moment
    (it's) just the right time just in time right on time perfectly timed perfect timing.
    "Я не рано пришел? - «Нет, как раз». Tm not too early*7" "No, perfect timing."
    2. кому - coll
    subj-compl with copula ( subj: a noun denoting footwear, a piece of clothing etc)) sth. fits s.o. exactly as it should
    X Y-y как раз = X fits Y perfectly (just right)
    X is a perfect fit (in limited contexts) X is just right for Y X fits (Y) like a glove.
    Продавщица с феноменальной скоростью завязала концы шнурка - и тронула носок башмака двумя пальцами. «Как раз!» — сказала она. «Новые всегда немножко...» -продолжала она поспешно, вскинув карие глаза. - «Конечно, если хотите, можно подложить косок под пятку. Но они - как раз, убедитесь сами!» (Набоков 1). With phenomenal speed the salesgirl tied the lace ends and touched the tip of the shoe with two fingers "Just right," she said. "New shoes are always a little " she went on rapidly, raising her brown eyes "Of course if you wish, we can make some adjustments. But they fit perfectly, see for yourself!" (1a)
    «Надевай, милая, мою синюю юбку. Она тебе... как раз будет» (Шолохов 2). "Put on my blue skirt, dear It'll be just right for you.." (2a).
    3. — кому, для кого coll (intensif Particle) (a person or thing is) suitable, appropriate for s.o.. (suit s.o.) just right
    (be) just right (for s.o.) (be) just the (right) thing (for s.o.) (be) just the (right) one (for s.o.) (be) perfect (for s.o.) (suit s.o.) to a T (a tee).
    Когда совсем подошли к острову, стали видны ветряная мельница, прекрасная старинная изба, амбарные постройки - все пустое, неподвижное, музейное. Агеев усмехнулся. «Как раз для меня», - пробормотал он... (Казаков 1). When they came right to the island, they saw a windmill and a beautiful ancient farmhouse with its outbuildings and barns-all empty and without a sign of life, like pieces in a museum Ageyev grinned "Just the right thing for me," he muttered, (1a).
    (Фёкла:)...Уж каких женихов тебе припасла!.. Первый, Балтазар Балтазарович Жевакин, такой славный, во флоте служил - как раз по тебе придется (Гоголь 1). (F:) What a bunch of gentlemen I've got for you'. First, Baltazar Baltazarovich Zhevakin, such a nice gentleman, he served in the navy - he s just the one for you (lc) (F). What gentlemen I've got in store for you!. First, there's Baltazar Baltazarovich-just marvelous. A navy man. He'll suit you to a tee (1b)
    4. (intensif Particle) (used to emphasize the word or phrase to which it refers) namely (the person, thing, place etc) exactly
    precisely just the very right (when (then etc)).
    ...В то время я как раз и был самым молодым работником редакции (Искандер 4)...That is exactly what I was at the time-the youngest member of the editorial staff (4a)
    Если бы она написала мужу еще в войну: так и гак, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов I). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him. (1 a)
    Водку в буфете принесла ему высокая рыжая официантка. «Гениальная баба!» — пробормотал Агеев, восхищенно и жадно провожая её взглядом. А когда она опять подошла, он сказал: «...Вы как раз то, что я искал всю жизнь» (Казаков 1). A tall waitress with red hair brought him his vodka "What a girl," Ageyev all my life" (1a)
    ...Его невольно отрезвляла какая-нибудь ее интонация, смешок, веяние тех определенных духов, которыми почему-то душились как раз те женщины, которым он нравился... (Набоков 1)...Не was involuntarily sobered by a certain intonation of hers, her little laugh, the smell of that certain scent which somehow was always used by the very women who liked him.. (1a).
    5. (intensif Particle) (used to emphasize that sth. will happen, should be done etc) differently from the way stated, suggested etc
    quite the contrary
    ( s.o. sth.) is (does, will etc) in fact... actually.
    «Ничего из этой затеи не получится». - «А вот как раз получится». "Nothings going to come out of this venture." "Quite the contrary, something will come out of it."
    6. obs J intensif Particle) (it is) probable (that sth. will happen): s.o. sth. is very likely to...
    it is quite likely (probable) that... s.o. sth. may very well... (in limited contexts) it doesn't take much to
    ...«Да, вишь, какая погода: как раз собьешься с дороги» (Пушкин 2). ".. But you see what the weather's like: it doesn't take much to lose your way" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Р-23

  • 3 как раз

    1. coll [usu. adv]
    timely, at the appropriate time:
    - perfect timing. "Я не рано пришел? - "Нет, как раз". I'm not too early?" "No, perfect timing."
    2. кому coll [subj-compl with copula (subj: a noun denoting footwear, a piece of clothing etc)]
    sth. fits s.o. exactly as it should:
    - X Y-y как раз X fits Y perfectly (just right);
    - [in limited contexts] X is just right for Y;
    - X fits (Y) like a glove.
         ♦ Продавщица с феноменальной скоростью завязала концы шнурка - и тронула носок башмака двумя пальцами. "Как раз!" - сказала она. "Новые всегда немножко..." - продолжала она поспешно, вскинув карие глаза. - "Конечно, если хотите, можно подложить косок под пятку. Но они - как раз, убедитесь сами!" (Набоков 1). With phenomenal speed the salesgirl tied the lace ends and touched the tip of the shoe with two fingers "Just right," she said. "New shoes are always a little " she went on rapidly, raising her brown eyes "Of course if you wish, we can make some adjustments. But they fit perfectly, see for yourself!" (1a)
         ♦ "Надевай, милая, мою синюю юбку. Она тебе... как раз будет" (Шолохов 2). "Put on my blue skirt, dear It'll be just right for you..." (2a).
    3. как раз кому, для кого coll [intensif Particle]
    (a person or thing is) suitable, appropriate for s.o.. (suit s.o.) just right; (be) just right (for s.o.); (be) just the (right) thing (for s.o.); (be) just the (right) one (for s.o.); (be) perfect (for s.o.); (suit s.o.) to a T (a tee).
         ♦ Когда совсем подошли к острову, стали видны ветряная мельница, прекрасная старинная изба, амбарные постройки - все пустое, неподвижное, музейное. Агеев усмехнулся. "Как раз для меня", - пробормотал он... (Казаков 1). When they came right to the island, they saw a windmill and a beautiful ancient farmhouse with its outbuildings and barns - all empty and without a sign of life, like pieces in a museum Ageyev grinned "Just the right thing for me," he muttered, (1a).
         ♦ [Фёкла:]...Уж каких женихов тебе припасла!.. Первый, Балтазар Балтазарович Жевакин, такой славный, во флоте служил - как раз по тебе придется (Гоголь 1). [F:] What a bunch of gentlemen I've got for you'. First, Baltazar Baltazarovich Zhevakin, such a nice gentleman, he served in the navy - he's just the one for you (lc) [F ]. What gentlemen I've got in store for you!. First, there's Baltazar Baltazarovich-just marvelous. A navy man. He'll suit you to a tee (1b)
    4. [intensif Particle]
    (used to emphasize the word or phrase to which it refers) namely (the person, thing, place etc) exactly; precisely; just; the very; right (when <then etc>).
         ♦...В то время я как раз и был самым молодым работником редакции (Искандер 4)....That is exactly what I was at the time - the youngest member of the editorial staff (4a)
         ♦ Если бы она написала мужу еще в войну: так и гак, мол, встретила человека... ей бы не в чем было упрекнуть себя... Но как раз вот этого-то она и не сделала. Не хватило духу. Пожалела (Абрамов 1). If she had written to her husband during the war to say, well, to say that she had met someone she would have had nothing to reproach herself with....But that was precisely what she had not done She hadn't had the heart. She had taken pity on him. (1a)
         ♦ Водку в буфете принесла ему высокая рыжая официантка. "Гениальная баба!" - пробормотал Агеев, восхищенно и жадно провожая её взглядом. А когда она опять подошла, он сказал: "...Вы как раз то, что я искал всю жизнь" (Казаков 1). A tall waitress with red hair brought him his vodka "What a girl," Ageyev all my life" (1a)
         ♦...Его невольно отрезвляла какая-нибудь ее интонация, смешок, веяние тех определенных духов, которыми почему-то душились как раз те женщины, которым он нравился... (Набоков 1)...He was involuntarily sobered by a certain intonation of hers, her little laugh, the smell of that certain scent which somehow was always used by the very women who liked him... (1a).
    5. [intensif Particle]
    (used to emphasize that sth. will happen, should be done etc) differently from the way stated, suggested etc:
    - (s.o. < sth.>) is <does, will etc> in fact...;
    - actually.
         ♦ "Ничего из этой затеи не получится". - "А вот как раз получится". "Nothings going to come out of this venture." "Quite the contrary, something will come out of it."
    6. obs [intensif Particle]
    (it is) probable (that sth. will happen):
    - s.o. < sth.> is very likely to...;
    - it is quite likely (probable) that...;
    - s.o. < sth.> may very well...;
    - [in limited contexts] it doesn't take much to...
         ♦ "Да, вишь, какая погода: как раз собьешься с дороги" (Пушкин 2). ".. But you see what the weather's like: it doesn't take much to lose your way" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > как раз

  • 4 JM

    1) Спорт: Junior Midget
    2) Военный термин: Joint Mission, Joint Missions
    3) Техника: jump on minus
    4) Шутливое выражение: Jilted Mindz, Jong Man
    5) Юридический термин: Japanese Man, Just Missing
    6) Грубое выражение: Jerk Mother
    7) Музыка: Jazz Master
    8) Политика: Jamaica
    9) Университет: Joseph Matti
    10) Вычислительная техника: Joint Model (AVC)
    11) Литература: Joke Master
    12) Фирменный знак: Johns Manville
    13) Деловая лексика: Junk Mail
    14) Полимеры: jet molding
    16) Чат: Just Marvelous
    17) NYSE. Johns- Manville Corporation
    18) Хобби: Junior Member

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > JM

  • 5 maravilla

    1 marvel, wonder.
    es una maravilla it's wonderful
    a las mil maravillas, de maravilla wonderfully
    decir maravillas de alguien/algo to praise somebody/something to the skies
    hacer maravillas to do o work wonders
    una maravilla de niño/coche/carretera a wonderful o marvelous child/car/road
    venir de maravilla to be just the thing o ticket
    2 morning glory.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: maravillar.
    * * *
    1 wonder, marvel
    ¡qué maravilla de reloj! what a wonderful watch!
    2 (pasta) semolina
    a las mil maravillas wonderfully well
    de maravilla wonderfully
    decir maravillas de algo/alguien to sing the praises of something/somebody
    hacer maravillas to do wonders
    venir de maravilla to be just the thing, be perfect
    * * *
    noun f.
    marvel, wonder
    * * *
    1) (=prodigio) wonder

    ¡qué maravilla de tiempo tenemos! — what wonderful weather we're having!

    el concierto fue una maravilla — the concert was wonderful, it was a wonderful concert

    contar o hablar maravillas de algn/algo — to rave about sb/sth

    hacer maravillas — to work wonders

    las siete maravillas del mundo — the seven wonders of the world

    - a maravilla

    representa a maravilla ese tipo de poesíahe is a wonderful o marvellous exponent of that type of poetry

    -¿cómo te va con el coche nuevo? -¡de maravilla! — "how are you getting on with the new car?" - "really well!" o "great!"

    2) (=asombro) amazement
    3) (Bot) (=caléndula) marigold; (=enredadera) morning glory; Chile (=girasol) sunflower
    * * *
    1) (portento, prodigio) wonder

    las maravillas de la tecnología modernathe wonders o marvels of modern technology

    la catedral/mi secretaria es una verdadera maravilla — the cathedral/my secretary is absolutely wonderful o marvelous

    a las mil maravillasmarvelously

    se llevan a las mil maravillasthey get on marvelously

    hacer maravillasto work wonders

    2) ( asombro) amazement
    3) (Bot) marigold
    * * *
    = wonder, marvel.
    Ex. It probably is unnecesary to take the time to recount the uses and wonders of this country's most prominent booktrade journal.
    Ex. It is a marvel to think that this is the place a few years back thought to be irretrievably gone to rack and ruin.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * Alicia en el País de las Maravillas = Alice in Wonderland.
    * de maravilla = wonderfully, marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * funcionar a las mil maravillas = work + a treat, work like + a charm, go like + a charm.
    * hablar maravillas de = praise.
    * hacer maravillas = work + wonders.
    * ir a las mil maravillas = go + great guns, go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, be fine and dandy.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * llevarse a las mil maravillas con + Nombre = get on with + Nombre + swimmingly.
    * llevarse a las mis maravillas = get along/on + like a house on fire.
    * maravilla de la naturaleza = natural wonder.
    * maravilla del mundo = wonder of the world.
    * marchar a las mil maravillas = go + great guns, grow from + strength to strength, be fine and dandy.
    * marchar a las mis maravillas = go from + strength to strength.
    * país de las maravillas = wonderland.
    * salir a las mil maravillas = work + a treat, come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * Siete Maravillas del Mundo, las = Seven Wonders of the World, the.
    * venir de maravilla = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * * *
    1) (portento, prodigio) wonder

    las maravillas de la tecnología modernathe wonders o marvels of modern technology

    la catedral/mi secretaria es una verdadera maravilla — the cathedral/my secretary is absolutely wonderful o marvelous

    a las mil maravillasmarvelously

    se llevan a las mil maravillasthey get on marvelously

    hacer maravillasto work wonders

    2) ( asombro) amazement
    3) (Bot) marigold
    * * *
    = wonder, marvel.

    Ex: It probably is unnecesary to take the time to recount the uses and wonders of this country's most prominent booktrade journal.

    Ex: It is a marvel to think that this is the place a few years back thought to be irretrievably gone to rack and ruin.
    * a las mil maravillas = marvellously [marvelously, -USA], famously, like a house on fire.
    * Alicia en el País de las Maravillas = Alice in Wonderland.
    * de maravilla = wonderfully, marvellously [marvelously, -USA].
    * funcionar a las mil maravillas = work + a treat, work like + a charm, go like + a charm.
    * hablar maravillas de = praise.
    * hacer maravillas = work + wonders.
    * ir a las mil maravillas = go + great guns, go from + strength to strength, grow from + strength to strength, be fine and dandy.
    * ir todo de maravilla = come up + roses.
    * llevarse a las mil maravillas con + Nombre = get on with + Nombre + swimmingly.
    * llevarse a las mis maravillas = get along/on + like a house on fire.
    * maravilla de la naturaleza = natural wonder.
    * maravilla del mundo = wonder of the world.
    * marchar a las mil maravillas = go + great guns, grow from + strength to strength, be fine and dandy.
    * marchar a las mis maravillas = go from + strength to strength.
    * país de las maravillas = wonderland.
    * salir a las mil maravillas = work + a treat, come up + a treat, go down + a treat.
    * Siete Maravillas del Mundo, las = Seven Wonders of the World, the.
    * venir de maravilla = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.

    * * *
    A (portento, prodigio) wonder
    las siete maravillas del mundo the seven wonders of the world
    las maravillas de la tecnología moderna the wonders o marvels of modern technology
    la catedral es una verdadera maravilla the cathedral is absolutely wonderful o marvelous
    volvió del viaje contando maravillas he came back from his trip quite delighted with the way it had gone
    borda que es una maravilla she embroiders beautifully
    mi secretaria es una maravilla my secretary is absolutely wonderful
    ¡qué maravilla de niño! se ha portado como un santo what a lovely child!, he's behaved like an angel
    a las mil maravillas: nos atendieron a las mil maravillas they were extremely kind to us
    todo salió a las mil maravillas everything turned out beautifully o wonderfully o marvelously
    de maravilla wonderfully
    se lleva de maravilla con él she gets on wonderfully (well) with him
    ahora funciona de maravilla it works beautifully now
    cocina de maravilla he is a wonderful o marvelous cook
    me vino de maravilla it came at just the right time, it was just what I needed
    hacer maravillas to work wonders
    B (asombro) amazement
    para maravilla de todos to everyone's amazement
    C ( Bot) marigold
    * * *

    Del verbo maravillar: ( conjugate maravillar)

    maravilla es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    maravilla sustantivo femenino
    1 (portento, prodigio) wonder;

    mi secretaria es una verdadera maravilla my secretary is absolutely wonderful;
    a las mil maravillas marvelously;
    de maravilla wonderfully;
    hacer maravillas to work wonders
    2 (Bot) marigold
    maravillar ( conjugate maravillar) verbo transitivo
    to amaze, astonish
    maravillarse verbo pronominal
    to be amazed o astonished;
    maravillase DE algo/algn to marvel at sth/sb
    maravilla sustantivo femenino marvel, wonder: es una maravilla de persona, he's a wonderful person
    no es la maravilla, pero es acogedor, it isn't marvellous, but it is cosy
    las maravillas de la naturaleza/técnica, the wonders of Nature/Science
    ♦ Locuciones: de maravilla/a las mil maravillas, marvellously
    hablar/decir maravillas de alguien/algo, to praise sb/sthg
    hacer maravillas, to work wonders
    ¡qué maravilla!, how wonderful!
    maravillar verbo transitivo to amaze, astonish: me maravilla lo mal que habla, I'm astonished at how badly she speaks
    ' maravilla' also found in these entries:
    - andar
    - encanto
    - prodigio
    - sentar
    - dream
    - famously
    - marvel
    - wonder
    - love
    - marigold
    - wonderfully
    * * *
    1. [cosa maravillosa] marvel, wonder;
    una maravilla de niño/carretera a wonderful o marvellous child/road;
    ¡qué maravilla de lugar! what a wonderful place!;
    las siete maravillas del mundo the Seven Wonders of the World;
    es una maravilla it's wonderful;
    canta que es una maravilla she a wonderful singer;
    nos han contado maravillas sobre esa película we've heard wonderful things about that movie o Br film;
    decir maravillas de algo/alguien to praise sth/sb to the skies;
    hacer maravillas to do o work wonders;
    a las mil maravillas, de maravilla: cocina a las mil maravillas o [m5] de maravilla he's an absolutely wonderful cook;
    la fiesta salió a las mil maravillas o [m5] de maravilla the party went absolutely wonderfully;
    se llevan de maravilla they get on brilliantly;
    venir de maravilla to be just the thing o ticket;
    esta sartén viene de maravilla para freír huevos this pan is excellent for frying eggs;
    su ayuda me vino de maravilla her help was an absolute godsend
    2. [admiración] amazement;
    su actuación causó maravilla her performance was amazing
    3. [planta compuesta] calendula, pot marigold
    4. [planta trepadora] morning glory
    5. Chile [girasol] sunflower
    * * *
    1 ( portento) marvel, wonder;
    de maravilla marvelously, Br marvellously, wonderfully;
    a las mil maravillas marvelously, wonderfully
    2 BOT marigold
    * * *
    1) : wonder, marvel
    a las mil maravillas: wonderfully, marvelously
    hacer maravillas: to work wonders
    2) : marigold
    * * *
    maravilla n wonder

    Spanish-English dictionary > maravilla

  • 6 Д-192

    НА ДИВО НА УДИВЛЕНИЕ PrepP these forms only)
    1. ( subj-compl with copula ( subj: usu. concr or abstr) sth. is very good, excellent
    a real wonder (marvel)
    wonderful marvelous.
    Земля славная, и урожай всегда бывал на диво но на заколдованном месте никогда не было ничего доброго (Гоголь 5). It's marvelous ground and there is always a wonderful crop on it, but there has never been anything good on that bewitched place (5a).
    2. - какой, каков и т. п. ( modif (intensif)) very, extremely
    remarkably uncommonly exceptionally won-drously.
    Конец августа был погожий и сухой на диво (Шолохов 5). The end of August was wondrously fine and dry (5a).
    3. ( adv or modif) very well, excellently
    wonderfully (well)
    amazingly (well) splendidly.
    Его казаки были экипированы на диво. У всех было в достатке патронов, на всех была справная одежда и добротная обувь - все добытое с пленных красноармейцев (Шолохов 4). His Cossacks were splendidly equipped. They had plenty of ammunition and their clothing and footwear, all taken from captured Red Army men, were in excellent condition (4a)
    4. - (кому-чему) (the resulting PrepP is sent adv
    indir obj: human or collect) so as to evoke wonder, admiration etc
    to the amazement (astonishment, delight) of
    (in limited contexts) in a way marvelous to see to the surprise of.
    (Телятев:) А вот пьет (Васильков) шампанское, так на диво: отчетливо, методически, точно воду зельтерскую (Островский 4). (Т.:)...Не (Vasilkov) drinks champagne in a way marvelous to see: carefully, methodically, just as if it were seltzer water (4a).
    «Нет, так не пойдет! Желаете счастья зятю и дочери, а сами не пьёте», - упрекнул Кокетай засмущавшегося деда Момуна. «Ну разве что за счастье, я что ж», - заторопился старик. На удивление всем, он ахнул до дна почти полный стакан водки... (Айтматов 1). uNo, no, that will not do! You toast to the happiness of your daughter and your son-in-law and then don't drink yourself," Koketay reproached the embarrassed Momun. "Well, if it's to happiness, sure..." he mumbled hurriedly And, to everyone's surprise, he gulped down almost a full glass in a single breath (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-192

  • 7 на диво

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. concr or abstr]
    sth. is very good, excellent:
    - marvelous.
         ♦ Земля славная, и урожай всегда бывал на диво; но на заколдованном месте никогда не было ничего доброго (Гоголь 5). It's marvelous ground and there is always a wonderful crop on it; but there has never been anything good on that bewitched place (5a).
    2. на диво какой, каков и т.п. [modif (intensif)]
    very, extremely:
    - wondrously.
         ♦ Конец августа был погожий и сухой на диво (Шолохов 5). The end of August was wondrously fine and dry (5a).
    3. [adv or modif]
    very well, excellently:
    - splendidly.
         ♦ Его казаки были экипированы на диво. У всех было в достатке патронов, на всех была справная одежда и добротная обувь - все добытое с пленных красноармейцев (Шолохов 4). His Cossacks were splendidly equipped. They had plenty of ammunition and their clothing and footwear, all taken from captured Red Army men, were in excellent condition (4a)
    4. на диво (кому-чему) [the resulting PrepP is sent adv; indir obj: human or collect]
    so as to evoke wonder, admiration etc:
    - to the amazement (astonishment, delight) of;
    - [in limited contexts] in a way marvelous to see;
    - to the surprise of.
         ♦ [Телятев:] А вот пьет [Васильков] шампанское, так на диво: отчётливо, методически, точно воду зельтерскую (Островский 4). [Т.:]... Не [Vasilkov] drinks champagne in a way marvelous to see: carefully, methodically, just as if it were seltzer water (4a).
         ♦ "Нет, так не пойдет! Желаете счастья зятю и дочери, а сами не пьёте", - упрекнул Кокетай засмущавшегося деда Момуна. "Ну разве что за счастье, я что ж", - заторопился старик. На удивление всем, он ахнул до дна почти полный стакан водки... (Айтматов 1). "No, no, that will not do! You toast to the happiness of your daughter and your son-in-law and then don't drink yourself," Koketay reproached the embarrassed Momun. "Well, if it's to happiness, sure..." he mumbled hurriedly And, to everyone's surprise, he gulped down almost a full glass in a single breath (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на диво

  • 8 на удивление

    [PrepP; these forms only]
    1. [subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. concr or abstr]
    sth. is very good, excellent:
    - marvelous.
         ♦ Земля славная, и урожай всегда бывал на диво; но на заколдованном месте никогда не было ничего доброго (Гоголь 5). It's marvelous ground and there is always a wonderful crop on it; but there has never been anything good on that bewitched place (5a).
    2. на удивление какой, каков и т.п. [modif (intensif)]
    very, extremely:
    - wondrously.
         ♦ Конец августа был погожий и сухой на диво (Шолохов 5). The end of August was wondrously fine and dry (5a).
    3. [adv or modif]
    very well, excellently:
    - splendidly.
         ♦ Его казаки были экипированы на диво. У всех было в достатке патронов, на всех была справная одежда и добротная обувь - все добытое с пленных красноармейцев (Шолохов 4). His Cossacks were splendidly equipped. They had plenty of ammunition and their clothing and footwear, all taken from captured Red Army men, were in excellent condition (4a)
    4. на удивление (кому-чему) [the resulting PrepP is sent adv; indir obj: human or collect]
    so as to evoke wonder, admiration etc:
    - to the amazement (astonishment, delight) of;
    - [in limited contexts] in a way marvelous to see;
    - to the surprise of.
         ♦ [Телятев:] А вот пьет [Васильков] шампанское, так на диво: отчётливо, методически, точно воду зельтерскую (Островский 4). [Т.:]... Не [Vasilkov] drinks champagne in a way marvelous to see: carefully, methodically, just as if it were seltzer water (4a).
         ♦ "Нет, так не пойдет! Желаете счастья зятю и дочери, а сами не пьёте", - упрекнул Кокетай засмущавшегося деда Момуна. "Ну разве что за счастье, я что ж", - заторопился старик. На удивление всем, он ахнул до дна почти полный стакан водки... (Айтматов 1). "No, no, that will not do! You toast to the happiness of your daughter and your son-in-law and then don't drink yourself," Koketay reproached the embarrassed Momun. "Well, if it's to happiness, sure..." he mumbled hurriedly And, to everyone's surprise, he gulped down almost a full glass in a single breath (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > на удивление

  • 9 glänzend

    I Part. Präs. glänzen
    II Adj.
    1. Metall etc.: shiny, bright; Fell, Haar etc.: glossy; FOT. glossy
    2. umg., fig. brilliant, excellent; glänzende Idee brilliant (iro. auch bright) idea; in glänzender Form in top form; glänzende Kritik glowing (umg. rave) review; glänzendes Comeback blistering comeback (in + Dat to)
    III Adv.
    1. glänzend schwarz shiny black
    2. umg., fig. brilliantly, extremely well; sich glänzend amüsieren have a great time (of it), have a whale of a time glänzend aussehen look great; die Prüfung glänzend bestehen pass (the exam) with flying colo(u)rs, do brilliantly (in the exam); ihm geht’s glänzend he’s doing very well ( oder just fine); gesundheitlich: auch he’s in the pink; sie verstehen sich glänzend they get on (Am. along) like a house on fire
    * * *
    splendid; gleamy; refulgent; lucent; lustered; effulgent; brilliant; glossy; shiny; excellent; shining; sheeny; resplendent; lustrous
    * * *
    1. adj
    shining; Haar, Seide auch lustrous; Metall, Leder, Holz auch gleaming; (= strahlend) radiant; (= blendend) dazzling; (= glitzernd) glistening; (= funkelnd) sparkling, glittering; Papier glossy, shiny; Stoff, Nase, Hosenboden, Ellbogen shiny; (fig) brilliant; Erfolg brilliant, dazzling; Aussehen, Fest dazzling; Zukunft brilliant, glittering; Gesellschaft glittering; (= erstklassig) marvellous (Brit), marvelous (US), splendid

    glänzend in Form (inf)

    2. adv
    (= sehr gut) brilliantly

    wir haben uns glänzend amüsiertwe had a marvellous (Brit) or marvelous (US) or great (inf) time

    glänzend miteinander auskommen — to get along fantastically or brilliantly

    * * *
    2) (very bright: the bird's brilliant feathers.) brilliant
    3) (very clever: a brilliant scholar.) brilliant
    4) (smooth and shining: The dog has a glossy coat.) glossy
    7) (very bright or splendid in appearance.) resplendent
    8) (very bright and clear; producing or reflecting light; polished: a shining star; The windows were clean and shining.) shining
    9) (glossy; reflecting light; polished: a shiny cover on a book; a shiny nose; shiny shoes.) shiny
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (widerscheinend) shining
    \glänzende Oberfläche gleaming [or shiny] surface
    \glänzende Augen sparkling [or bright] eyes
    \glänzendes Haar shiny [or lustrous] hair
    \glänzendes Papier glossy [or shiny] paper
    \glänzende Perlen bright [or lustrous] pearls
    \glänzende Seide shining [or lustrous] silk
    \glänzender See glittering [or glistening] lake
    \glänzend gestrichenes Papier TYPO glossy coated paper
    2. (blendend, hervorragend) brilliant
    ein \glänzendes Aussehen dazzling looks npl
    II. adv (hervorragenderweise) brilliantly, splendidly
    sich akk \glänzend amüsieren to have a great [or marvellous] time [of it]
    * * *
    (ugs.) Adjektiv
    1) shining; gleaming < car, hair, metal, paintwork, etc.>; shiny <elbows, trousers, etc.>
    2) (bewundernswert) brilliant <idea, career, victory, pupil, prospects, etc.>; splendid, excellent, outstanding <references, marks, results, etc.>

    glänzend mit jemandem auskommen — get on very well with somebody

    es geht mir/uns glänzend — I am/we are very well; (finanziell) I am/we are doing very well or very nicely

    * * *
    A. ppr glänzen
    B. adj
    1. Metall etc: shiny, bright; Fell, Haar etc: glossy; FOTO glossy
    2. umg, fig brilliant, excellent;
    glänzende Idee brilliant (iron auch bright) idea;
    in glänzender Form in top form;
    glänzende Kritik glowing (umg rave) review;
    glänzendes Comeback blistering comeback (
    in +dat to)
    C. adv
    glänzend schwarz shiny black
    2. umg, fig brilliantly, extremely well;
    sich glänzend amüsieren have a great time (of it), have a whale of a time
    glänzend aussehen look great;
    die Prüfung glänzend bestehen pass (the exam) with flying colo(u)rs, do brilliantly (in the exam);
    ihm geht’s glänzend he’s doing very well ( oder just fine); gesundheitlich: auch he’s in the pink;
    sie verstehen sich glänzend they get on (US along) like a house on fire
    * * *
    (ugs.) Adjektiv
    1) shining; gleaming <car, hair, metal, paintwork, etc.>; shiny <elbows, trousers, etc.>
    2) (bewundernswert) brilliant <idea, career, victory, pupil, prospects, etc.>; splendid, excellent, outstanding <references, marks, results, etc.>

    es geht mir/uns glänzend — I am/we are very well; (finanziell) I am/we are doing very well or very nicely

    * * *
    brilliant adj.
    effulgent adj.
    gleaming adj.
    glossy adj.
    illustrious adj.
    lustrous adj.
    refulgent adj.
    resplendent adj.
    sheeny adj.
    shiny adj.
    splendid adj. adv.
    brilliantly adv.
    lustrously adv.
    refulgently adv.
    resplendently adv.
    splendidly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > glänzend

  • 10 πιστεύω

    πιστεύω (Trag.+) impf. ἐπίστευον; 1 aor. ἐπίστευσα; pf. πεπίστευκα; plpf. πεπιστεύκειν Ac 14:23 (on the omission of the augment s. B-D-F §66, 1; Mlt-H. 190). Pass.: fut. 3 pl. πιστευθήσονται Gen 42, 20; 1 aor. ἐπιστεύθην; pf. πεπίστευμαι (the word does not occur in Phlm, 2 Pt, 2 and 3J, Rv, MPol, or D. But it is a special favorite of J and 1J, where it is found 96 times and 9 times respectively; πίστις is not found in the gospel at all, and occurs in 1J only once, 5:4. Our lit. uses it quite predominantly in a transcendent sense, or at least w. transcendent coloring).
    to consider someth. to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust, believe
    believe (in) someth., be convinced of someth., w. that which one believes (in) indicated
    α. by acc. of thing (Soph., Oed. Rex 646 τάδε; Aristot., Analyt. Pr. 2, 23, 68b, 13 ἅπαντα; PSI 494, 14 μηθέν; UPZ 70, 29 [152/151 B.C.] π. τὰ ἐνύπνια; ApcEsdr 7:12 p. 32, 26 τὸ βιβλίον τοῦτο) ἡ ἀγάπη πάντα πιστεύει 1 Cor 13:7. πεπιστεύκαμεν τὴν ἀγάπην we believe in the love 1J 4:16. πιστεύεις τοῦτο; J 11:26b. Cp. Ac 13:41 (Hab 1:5). Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τὸ μαρτύριον ἡμῶν our testimony was believed 2 Th 1:10b (cp. Aristot., EN 10, 2 p. 1172b, 15 ἐπιστεύοντο οἱ λόγοι; Gen 42:20).
    β. by means of a ὅτι-clause believe that (Plut., Mor. 210d; Aelian, VH 1, 16 p. 8, 9; Herm. Wr. 4, 4: Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24; PLond III, 897, 12 p. 207 [I A.D.]; Tob 10:8 S; Job 9:16; 15:31; 39:12; La 4:12; 4 Macc 7:19; TestAbr A 18 p. 100, 18 [Stone p. 48]; ParJer 6:7; Just., A I, 18, 2 al.; Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 16) μακαρία ἡ πιστεύσασα ὅτι ἔσται τελείωσις Lk 1:45 (ὅτι here may=for: s. ὅτι 4b).—Mk 11:23; cp. vs. 24; J 8:24 (ὅτι ἐγώ εἰμι as Is 43:10); 11:27, 42; 13:19; 14:10; 16:27, 30; 17:8, 21; 20:31a; Ac 9:26; Ro 6:8; 10:9; 1 Th 4:14; Hb 11:6; Js 2:19a; 1J 5:1, 5; Hv 3, 8, 4; 4, 2, 4; m 1:1; 6, 2, 10b; Hs 2:5.—[ὅτι εἷς θεός] καὶ εἷς χριστός AcPl Ha 1, 17; AcPlCor 1:8. π. περί τινος ὅτι believe concerning someone that J 9:18 (M. Ant. 1, 15, 5 πιστεύειν περὶ ὧν λέγοι ὅτι οὕτως φρονεῖ=believe concerning whatever he might say, that it was what he actually thought; Just., D. 10, 1 π. ἡμῶν• ὅτι ἐσθίομεν ἀνθρώπους.—π. περί τινος as Plut., Lyc. 19, 4; Jos., Ant. 14, 267).
    γ. by the acc. and inf. (pres. Pla., Gorg. 524a; PTebt 314, 3 [II A.D.]; 4 Macc 5:25; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 160; Just., A I, 8, 2 al.; Ath. 20, 3) πιστεύω τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ θεοῦ εἶναι τὸν Ἰησοῦν Ac 8:37b.—GMary 463, 8.—IRo 10:2.—By the inf. (Thu 2, 22, 1; Job 15:22; AscIs 2:10 εἰς οὐρανὸν ἀναβῆναι) πιστεύομεν σωθῆναι Ac 15:11 (difft. JNolland, NTS 27, ’80, 112f [inf. of result: ‘we believe (in order) to be saved’]).—By the acc. and ptc. ἐν σαρκὶ αὐτὸν πιστεύω ὄντα I believe that he was in the flesh ISm 3:1.
    δ. by means of the dat. of thing give credence to, believe (Aeschyl., Pers. 786 θεῶν θεσφάτοισιν; Soph., Phil. 1374 τοῖς ἐμοῖς λόγοις, El. 886; Pla., Phd. 88c, Leg. 7, 798d; Polyb. 5, 42, 9; 9, 33, 1; Herodian 7, 5, 5 ἐλπίδι κρείττονι; BGU 674, 6 τῷ λόγῳ; 2 Ch 9:6 τοῖς λόγοις; Ps 105:24; Pr 14:15; Sir 19:15; En 104:13 ταῖς βίβλοις; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 τοῖς κενοῖς λογισμοῖς, Virt. 68 the sayings of God; Jos., C. Ap. 2, 286, Ant. 10, 39 τ. λόγοις; Tat. 18, 2 ὕλης οἰκονομία; Ath. 30, 2 ταῖς γοναῖς τοῦ Διό; Iren. 1, 10, 2 [Harv. I 92, 4] ἡ ἐκκλησία … π. τούτοις [sc. κήρυγμα and πίστις]) οὐκ ἐπίστευσας τοῖς λόγοις μου Lk 1:20 (cp. Iambl., ViPyth. 28, 148 περὶ θεῶν μηδὲν θαυμαστὸν ἀπιστεῖν ‘concerning the gods nothing is so marvelous that it should occasion unbelief’). τῇ γραφῇ καὶ τῷ λόγῳ J 2:22. Cp. 4:50; 5:47ab. τοῖς γεγραμμένοις Ac 24:14 (Diod S 16, 52, 7 πιστεύσαντες τοῖς γεγραμμένοις). τῇ ἐπαγγελίᾳ τοῦ θεοῦ 2 Cl 11:1 (Diod S 1, 53, 10 τῇ τοῦ προρρήσει πιστεύειν; 19, 90, 3). τῷ ψεύδει, τῇ ἀληθείᾳ 2 Th 2:11, 12. τῇ καταλαλιᾷ Hm 2:2. τῇ ἀκοῇ ἡμῶν (Is 53:1; cp. Jos., C. Ap. 2, 14 π. ἀκοῇ πρεσβυτέρων) J 12:38; Ro 10:16; 1 Cl 16:3. τοῖς ἔργοις J 10:38b (=their testimony); Hm 6, 2, 10a (that they are good and must be followed).—Pass. ἐπιστεύθη τῷ λόγῳ μου they believed my word Hm 3:3.
    ε. w. prepositional expressions: εἰς Ro 4:18, if εἰς τὸ γενέσθαι αὐτόν here is dependent on ἐπίστευσεν. πιστεύειν εἰς τὴν μαρτυρίαν believe in the witness 1J 5:10c. ὁ Χριστιανισμὸς οὐκ εἰς Ἰουδαϊσμὸν ἐπίστευσεν the Christian way of life/Christianity did not commit itself to the Judean way/Judaism (s. Hdb. ad loc.) I Mg 10:3a; cp. b (Χριστιανισμόν, εἰς ὸ̔ν πᾶσα γλῶσσα πιστεύσασα). On πιστεύειν εἰς τὸ ὄνομά τινος s. 2aβ below. πιστεύετε ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ believe in the gospel (so Ps 105:12 ἐπίστευσαν ἐν τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Rather in the sense ‘put one’s trust in’ Sir 32:21 μὴ πιστεύσῃς ἐν ὁδῷ ἀπροσκόπῳ. See B-D-F §187, 6; Rob. 540. ALoisy, Les Évangiles synopt. I 1907, 430; 434; comm.) Mk 1:15 (Hofmann understands it as ‘on the basis of’, Wohlenberg ‘bei’; Lohmeyer is undecided; Dssm. and Mlt. 67f ‘in the sphere of’; s. p. 235). ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ οὐ πιστεύω IPhld 8:2 (s. Bihlmeyer ad loc.).—ἐπί τινι: πιστεύειν ἐπὶ πᾶσιν οἷς ἐλάλησαν οἱ προφῆται Lk 24:25; Ro 9:33 (Is 28:16).
    w. the pers. to whom one gives credence or whom one believes, in the dat. (Demosth. 18, 10; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 14 p. 1390a, 32; Polyb. 15, 26, 6 τοῖς εἰδόσι τὴν ἀλήθειαν; Herodian 2, 1, 10; PHib 72, 18; POxy 898, 29; PTebt 418, 15; Ex 4:1, 5; 3 Km 10:7; 2 Ch 32:15; Tob 2:14; Jer 47:14; JosAs 13:10; Philo, Praem. 49; Just., A I, 33, 5, D 7, 2 al.) τοῖς θεασαμένοις αὐτὸν ἐγηγερμένον οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they did not believe those who saw him after he was raised from the dead Mk 16:14. Cp. Mt 21:25, 32abc; Mk 11:31; 16:13; Lk 20:5; J 5:46a; Ac 8:12; 26:27a (τ. προφήταις as Jos., Ant. 11, 96); 1J 4:1; Hm 6, 1, 2ab.—Also of Jesus and God whom one believes, in that one accepts their disclosures without doubt or contradiction: Jesus: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 5:38, 46b; 6:30; 8:45, 46; 10:37, 38a. God: J 5:24; Ro 4:3 (Gen 15:6), 17 κατέναντι οὗ ἐπίστευσεν θεοῦ (= κατέναντι θεοῦ ᾧ ἐπίστευσεν); Gal 3:6; Js 2:23; 1 Cl 10:6 (all three Gen 15:6). ὁ μὴ πιστεύων τῷ θεῷ ψεύστην πεποίηκεν αὐτόν 1J 5:10b. AcPl Ha 3, 7.
    w. pers. and thing added π. τινί τι believe someone with regard to someth. (X., Apol. 15 μηδὲ ταῦτα εἰκῇ πιστεύσητε τῷ θεῷ) Hm 6, 2, 6.—W. dat. of pers. and ὅτι foll. (ApcEsdr 4:35 p. 29, 12 Tdf.): πιστεύετέ μοι ὅτι ἐγὼ ἐν τῷ πατρί J 14:11a. Cp. 4:21; Ac 27:25.
    abs. (in which case the context supplies the obj., etc.; cp. ParJer 7:19 γέγονε δὲ τοῦτο, ἵνα πιστεύσωσιν) ἐάν τις ὑμῖν εἴπῃ• ἰδοὺ ὧδε ὁ Χριστός, μὴ πιστεύσητε do not believe (him or it [the statement]) Mt 24:23; cp. vs. 26; Mk 13:21; Lk 22:67; J 3:12ab; 10:25f; 12:47 v.l.; 14:29; 16:31; 19:35; 20:8, 25; cp. GJs 19:3. J 20:29ab πιστεύσαντες those who have nevertheless believed (it=the fact of the Resurrection); Ac 4:4; 26:27b; 1 Cor 11:18 πιστεύω I believe (it=that there are divisions among you); 15:11; Js 2:19b even the daemons believe this; Jd 5. Pass. καρδίᾳ πιστεύεται with (or in) the heart men believe (it=that Jesus was raised fr. the dead) Ro 10:10.
    believe = let oneself be influenced κατά τινος against someone Pol 6:1.
    πιστεύομαι I am believed, I enjoy confidence (X., An. 7, 6, 33; Diod S 5, 80, 4 τοῖς μάλιστα πιστευομένοις ἐπηκολουθήσαμεν; 17, 32, 1; 1 Km 27:12; Jos., Ant. 10, 114; PGM 12, 279 πιστευθήσῃ=you will be believed) of Eve παρθένος πιστεύεται people believe that she is a virgin Dg 12:8, or perh. a virgin is entrusted (to someone without fear). S. 3 below.
    to entrust oneself to an entity in complete confidence, believe (in), trust, w. implication of total commitment to the one who is trusted. In our lit. God and Christ are objects of this type of faith that relies on their power and nearness to help, in addition to being convinced that their revelations or disclosures are true. The obj. is
    α. in the dat. (cp. Soph., Philoct. 1374 θεοῖς πιστ.; X., Mem. 1, 1, 5; Ps.-Pla., Epinom. 980c πιστεύσας τοῖς θεοῖς εὔχου; Ptolem. Lagi [300 B.C.]: 138 Fgm. 8 Jac.; Maximus Tyr. 3, 8k τῷ Ἀπόλλωνι; Epict., app. E, 10 p. 488 Sch. θεῷ; Himerius, Or. 8 [=23], 18 πῶς Διονύσῳ πιστεύσω; how can I trust D.?; UPZ 144, 12 [164 B.C.] τ. θεοῖς; Jdth 14:10; Wsd 16:26; 4 Macc 7:21 al. in LXX; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 229 πιστεύειν θεῷ, Rer. Div. Her. 92 μόνῳ θεῷ, Op. M. 45, Sacr. Abel. 70 τῷ σωτήρι θεῷ, Abr. 269, Mos. 1, 225, Virt. 216 [on faith in Philo s. Bousset, Rel.3 446ff; EHatch, Essays in Biblical Gk. 1889, 83ff; ASchlatter, D. Glaube im NT4 1927; EBréhier, Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d’Alexandrie 1908, 21925; HWindisch, Die Frömmigkeit Philos 1909, 23ff; HWolfson, Philo ’47 I, 143–56, esp. II, 215–18; WPeisker, D. Glaubensbegriff bei Philon, diss. ’36]; Jos., Ant. 2, 117; 333; 3, 309; 20, 48, Bell. 3, 387 [s. ASchlatter, D. Theol. d. Judentums nach d. Bericht des Jos. ’32, 104ff]; Just., A I, 18, 6 al.). Some of the passages referred to in 1b above, end, are repeated, since they may be classified here or there w. equal justification. Of God: π. τῷ θεῷ (Orig., C. Cels. 4, 89, 15) Ac 16:34; 13:12 D; Tit 3:8; PtK 4 p. 16, 2; B 16:7; Hm 12, 6, 2; Hs 5, 1, 5. Cp. m 1:2; AcPl Ha 10, 13f. τῷ κυρίῳ (Sir 11:21; 2:8) Hv 4, 2, 6. οἱ πιστεύσαντες τῷ κυρίῳ διὰ τοῦ υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ Hs 9, 13, 5. τῷ θεῷ w. ὅτι foll. m 9:7; cp. Hs 1:7.—Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l. (for ἐπʼ αὐτόν); J 6:30 (σοί=vs. 29 εἰς ὸ̔ν ἀπέστειλεν ἐκεῖνος); J 8:31 (αὐτῷ=vs. 30 εἰς αὐτόν, but see Mlt. 67f; JSwetnam argues for a plpf. sense here: Biblica 61, ’80, 106–9); Ac 5:14; 18:8a (both τῷ κυρίῳ); Ro 10:14b (οὗ οὐκ ἤκουσαν = τούτῳ [about equivalent to εἰς τοῦτον; cp. vs. 14a] οὗ οὐκ ἤκ.); 2 Ti 1:12; ITr 9:2; Hs 8, 3, 2.—Pass. be believed in (X., Cyr. 4, 2, 8; 6, 1, 39; Pla., Lach. 181b; Ps.-Demosth. 58, 44 al.; 1 Km 27:12; Just., D. 7, 3; Tat. 10, 2. S. B-D-F §312, 1; also s. Rob. 815f) ἐπιστεύθη ἐν κόσμῳ 1 Ti 3:16.—π. τῷ ὀνόματι τοῦ υἱοῦ believe in the name of the Son, i.e. believe in the Son and accept what his name proclaims him to be 1J 3:23.
    β. w. εἰς (cp. Hippol., Elench. 6, 19, 7 W. οἱ εἰς τὸν Σίμωνα καὶ τὴν Ἑλένην πεπιστευκότες; Just., D. 35, 8 al.) God (BGU 874, 11 π. εἰς τὸν θεόν): J 12:44b; 14:1a (cp. ET 21, 1910, 53–57; 68–70; 138f); 1 Pt 1:21 v.l.=Pol 2:1.—Christ: Mt 18:6; Mk 9:42; J 2:11; 3:15 v.l., 16, 18a, 36; 4:39; 6:29, 35, 40, 47 v.l.; 7:5, 31, 38f, 48; 8:30; 9:35f; 10:42; 11:25, 26a, 45, 48; 12:11, 36 (εἰς τὸ φῶς), 37, 42, 44a, 46; 14:1b, 12; 16:9; 17:20; Ac 10:43; 14:23; 18:8 D; 19:4; Ro 10:14a; Gal 2:16; Phil 1:29; 1 Pt 1:8; 1J 5:10a; AcPlCor 2:31; Hs 8, 3, 2.—εἰς τὸ ὄνομα Ἰησοῦ (or αὐτοῦ, etc.) J 1:12; 2:23; 3:18c; 1J 5:13 (s. ὄνομα 1dβ and s. 2aα above, end). π. εἰς τὸν θάνατον αὐτοῦ ITr 2:1. π. εἰς τὸ αἷμα Χριστοῦ ISm 6:1.
    γ. w. ἐπί and dat., of God Ac 11:17 D. Of Christ: Mt 27:42 v.l.; J 3:15 v.l.; Ro 9:33; 10:11; 1 Pt 2:6 (the last three Is 28:16); 1 Ti 1:16.
    δ. w. ἐπί and acc. (Wsd 12:2; Just., D. 46, 1 al.) of God: Ac 16:34 D; Ro 4:5, 24; PtK 3 p. 15, 12. Of Christ: Mt 27:42; J 3:15 v.l.; Ac 9:42; 11:17; 16:31; 22:19.
    ε. π. ἔν τινι believe in someone (Jer 12:6; Da 6:24 Theod.; Ps 77:22) is questionable in our lit.: in J 3:15 the best rdg. is ἐν αὐτῷ and is prob. to be construed w. ἔχῃ (in J πιστεύω usually takes the prep. εἰς when expressing the obj. of belief, as in 3:16); in Eph 1:13 both occurrences of ἐν ᾧ are prob. to be construed w. ἐσφραγίσθητε (=‘in connection with whom you have been sealed’ [cp. 4:30]); the acts of hearing and believing are coordinate, and πιστεύσαντες, along w. ἀκούσαντες, is used abs. (so REB; less clearly NRSV). But s. 1aε above: π. ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ Mk 1:15; IPhld 8:2.
    not expressed at all (the abs. πιστεύειν in a transcendent sense: Aeschin., In Ctesiph. 1 ἐγὼ πεπιστευκὼς ἥκω πρῶτον τοῖς θεοῖς; Aristot., Rhet. 2, 17, 1391b, 1ff; Plut., Mor. 170f; Porphyr., Ad Marcellam 24 πιστεῦσαι δεῖ, ὅτι [=because] μόνη σωτηρία ἡ πρὸς τὸν θεὸν ἐπιστροφή; Herm. Wr. 9, 10ab ἐπίστευσε καὶ ἐν τῇ καλῇ πίστει ἐπανεπαύσατο; cp. 1, 32 πιστεύω καὶ μαρτυρῶ=PapBerl 9795 [RReitzenstein, Studien z. antiken Synkretismus 1926, p. 161, 2]; Num 20:12; Ps 115:1; Is 7:9; Sir 2:13; 1 Macc 2:59; Philo, Rer. Div. Her. 14; 101, Deus Imm. 4, Mut. Nom. 178; τότε πιστεύσεις θέλων καὶ μὴ θέλων Theoph. Ant. 1, 8 [p. 74, 7]) Mk 15:32; 16:16f; Lk 8:12f; J 1:7, 50; 3:15, 18b; 4:41f, 48, 53; 5:44; 6:36, 47, 64ab, perh. 69 (MEnslin, The Perf. Tense in the Fourth Gosp.: JBL 55, ’36, 121–31, esp. 128); 9:38; 10:26; 11:15, 40; 12:39; 20:31b; Ac 4:4; 8:13, 37a; 11:21; 13:12, 39, 48; 14:1; 15:5, 7; 17:12, 34; 18:8b, 27; 19:2; 21:25; Ro 1:16; 3:22; 4:11; 10:4; 13:11; 15:13; 1 Cor 1:21; 3:5; 15:2; Gal 3:22; Eph 1:13, 19; 1 Th 2:10, 13; Hb 4:3; 1 Pt 2:7; 1 Cl 12:7; 2 Cl 17:3; 20:2; B 9:3; B 11:11; ISm 3:2; Hs 8, 10, 3; 9, 17, 4; 9, 22, 3. τὸ πιστεύειν faith IMg 9:2. ἐν ἀγάπῃ πιστεύειν IPhld 9:2 (ἐν ἀγάπῃ is here used adv.).—Participles in the var. tenses are also used almost subst.: (οἱ) πιστεύοντες (the) believers, (the) Christians (Orig., C. Cels. 1, 13, 34; Did., Gen. 106, 6) Ac 2:44; Ro 3:22; 1 Cor 14:22ab (opp. οἱ ἄπιστοι); 1 Th 1:7; Hs 8, 3, 3. (οἱ) πιστεύσαντες (those) who made their commitment = (those) who became believers, (the) Christians, Ac 2:44 v.l.; 4:32; 2 Th 1:10a; 2 Cl 2:3; Hs 9, 19, 1. οἱ πεπιστευκότες those who became (and remained) believers Ac 19:18; 21:20 (Just., D. 122, 2).—οἱ μέλλοντες πιστεύειν future believers 1 Cl 42:4; Hm 4, 3, 3a. οἱ νῦν πιστεύσαντες those who have just come to believe ibid. 4, 3, 3b.
    A special kind of this faith is the confidence that God or Christ is in a position to help suppliants out of their distress, have confidence (some of the passages already mentioned might just as well be classified here) abs. ὡς ἐπίστευσας γενηθήτω σοι may it be done to you in accordance with the confidence you have Mt 8:13. ὅσα ἂν αἰτήσητε πιστεύοντες whatever you pray for with confidence 21:22. Cp. Mk 5:36; 9:23f; Lk 8:50; 2 Cor 4:13a (Ps 115:1), b. W. ὅτι foll.: πιστεύετε ὅτι δύναμαι τοῦτο ποιῆσαι; do you have confidence that I am able to do this? Mt 9:28.—Mk 11:23.
    entrust τινί τι someth. to someone (X., Mem. 4, 4, 17; Plut., Mor. 519e; Athen. 8, 341a; Lucian, Dial. Deor. 25, 1; SIG2 845, 7, see for numerous other examples index VI p. 384b. Cp. Wsd 14:5; 1 Macc 8:16; 4 Macc 4:7; TestJob 11:11; Jos., Bell. 4, 492; Hippol., Ref. 9, 12, 6) τὸ ἀληθινὸν τίς ὑμῖν πιστεύσει; Lk 16:11. αὐτῷ τοσούτων πιστευο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ω̣ν̣ since so many (or so much) were ( was) entrusted to him AcPl Ha 7, 21 (connection uncertain). αὐτόν (so N. and Tdf.; v.l. ἑαυτόν) τινι trust oneself to someone (Brutus, Ep. 25; Plut., Mor. 181d ἀνδρὶ μᾶλλον ἀγαθῷ πιστεύσας ἑαυτὸν ἢ ὀχυρῷ τόπῳ=entrusting himself to a good man rather than to a stronghold; EpArist 270; Jos., Ant. 12, 396) J 2:24 (EStauffer, CDodd Festschr., ’56, 281–99.—Diod S 34 + 35 Fgm. 39a οὐ τοῖς τυχοῦσι φίλοις ἑαυτὸν ἐπίστευσεν=he did not trust himself to casual friends).—Pass. πιστεύομαί τι (B-D-F §159, 4) I am entrusted with someth. (Pla., Ep. 1, 309a; Polyb. 8, 17, 5; 31, 26, 7; Diod S 20, 19, 2; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 136 §568 ἃ ἐπιστεύθην; ins; pap [e.g. PLond I, 121, 608 p. 203]; Jos., Bell. 5, 567, Vi. 137; Ath. 24, 3. Cp. Esth 8:12e.—Dssm., LO 320f [LAE 379]). ἐπιστεύθησαν τὰ λόγια τοῦ θεοῦ Ro 3:2. πεπίστευμαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον Gal 2:7 (PGM 13, 140 ὁ ὑπό σου πάντα πιστευθείς; 446); cp. 1 Th 2:4; 1 Ti 1:11.—Tit 1:3. οἰκονομίαν πεπίστευμαι 1 Cor 9:17; cp. Dg 7:1. S. also 7:2; IMg 6:1; IPhld 9:1ab. πιστεύομαί τι παρά τινος I am entrusted by someone with someth. (Polyb. 3, 69, 1; Jos., Bell. 1, 667): οἱ πιστευθέντες παρὰ θεοῦ ἔργον τοιοῦτο 1 Cl 43:1.
    be confident about, a unique use found in ὸ̔ς μὲν πιστεύει φαγεῖν πάντα, someth. like the one is confident about eating anything Ro 14:2 (a combination of two ideas: ‘the pers. is so strong in the faith’ and: ‘the pers. is convinced that it is permissible to eat anything’; in brief: not cultically fussy. See Ltzm., Hdb. ad loc.; but also B-D-F §397, 2). Another probability is the sense
    think/consider (possible), in Ro 14:2 perh. holds everything possible; cp. J 9:18 οὐκ ἐπίστευσαν they refused to entertain the possibility, and Ac 9:26. S. 4 above.—For lit. s. πίστις, end. DELG s.v. πείθομαι. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πιστεύω

  • 11 καινός

    καινός, ή, όν (Aeschyl., Hdt.+; ins, pap, LXX, TestSol; TestAbr A 7 p. 84, 27 [Stone p. 16]; Test12Patr; JosAs 14:13 and 15; Philo, Joseph., Just., Mel.) comp. καινότερος; prim. sense ‘new’.
    pert. to being in existence for a relatively short time, new, unused (X., Hell. 3, 4, 28; PGM 36, 265; Judg 15:13; 2 Km 6:3; 4 Km 2:20) ἀσκοί wineskins (Josh 9:13) Mt 9:17; Mk 2:22; Lk 5:38. ἱμάτιον (Artem. 2, 3 p. 86, 3; 3 Km 11:29f) vs. 36. μνημεῖον Mt 27:60; J 19:41 (w. ἐν ᾧ οὐδέπω οὐδεὶς ἦν τεθειμένος added). τὸ κ. the new piece=πλήρωμα Mk 2:21; Lk 5:36. καινὰ καὶ παλαιά Mt 13:52 (perh. with ref. to coins; cp. PGrenf II, 74, 9; 77, 7f).
    pert. to being not previously present, unknown, strange, remarkable, also w. the connotation of the marvelous or unheard-of (Pla., Apol. 24c; X., Mem. 1, 1, 1 ἕτερα καὶ καινὰ δαιμόνια; Just., A I, 15, 9; Orig., C. Cels. 1 58, 15) διδαχή Mk 1:27; Ac 17:19. ἐντολή (κ. νόμος: Menand., Fgm. 238, 3 Kö.; Diod S 13, 34, 6) J 13:34; 1J 2:7f (Polyaenus 2, 1, 13 οὐ καινοὺς νόμους … ἀλλὰ τ. παλαιούς); 2J 5. ὄνομα (Is 62:2; 65:15) Rv 2:17 (here w. ὸ̔ οὐδεὶς οἶδεν εἰ μὴ ὁ λαμβάνων, perh. as antidote to adversarial magic); 3:12. ᾠδή 5:9 (Ps 143:9; cp. Is 42:10; Ps 32:3; 39:4.—Philo, Vi. Cont. 80 ὕμνος κ. [opp. ἀρχαῖος]); 14:3. γλῶσσαι Mk 16:17. κ. γένος of Christians Dg 1. θεώρημα AcPl Ox 6, 1f (διήγημα Aa I, 241, 11). θέαμα GJs 19:2f (Mel., P. 19, 127). Christ as ὁ κ. ἄνθρωπος the new kind of human being IEph 20:1. ἢ λέγειν τι ἢ ἀκούειν τι καινότερον either to hear or to say someth. quite new (=‘the latest thing’) Ac 17:21 (s. Kühner-G. II 306f; Norden, Agn. Th. 333ff [but s. HAlmqvist, Plutarch u. d. NT ’46, 79f, w. ref. to Plut.]; B-D-F §244, 2; Rdm. 70 and s. Demosth. 4, 10 ὦ ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι … λέγεταί τι καινόν; γένοιτʼ ἄν τι καινότερον … ; also Theophr., Char. 8, 2; BGU 821, 6 [II A.D.] ὅταν ᾖ τι καινότερον, εὐθέως σοι δηλώσω; Simplicius, Coroll. De Tempore, in Aristot., Phys. p. 788, 36ff καινοτέραν ἐβάδισεν ὁδόν=he traveled a rather new road [of interpretation]; Jos., Ant. 14, 104; Iren. 1, 18, 1 [Harv. I 169, 3]).
    pert. to that which is recent in contrast to someth. old, new
    w. no criticism of the old implied (Herodas 4, 57 καινὴ Ἀθηναίη; Lucian, M. Peregr. 12 κ. Σωκράτης): of the Son of God or Logos, who is old and new at the same time Hs 9, 12, 1ff; Dg 11:4.
    in the sense that what is old has become obsolete, and should be replaced by what is new. In such a case the new is, as a rule, superior in kind to the old ἡ κ. διαθήκη the new covenant or declaration (Jer 38:31; Just., D. 11, 4 al.; Did., Gen. 46, 4; 156, 5) Mt 26:28 v.l.; Mk 14:24 v.l.; Lk 22:20; 1 Cor 11:25; 2 Cor 3:6; Hb 8:8 (Jer 38:31), 13; 9:15. κ. νόμος (Timocles Com. [IV B.C.] Fgm. 32, 4 κατὰ τὸν νόμον τ. καινόν; Just., D. 12, 3; Mel., P. 7, 46) B 2:6. λαὸς κ. 5:7; 7:5; cp. 15:7.—Esp. in eschatol. usage κ. οὐρανοί, κ. γῆ (Is 65:17; 66:22) 2 Pt 3:13; Rv 21:1; Ἰερουσαλὴμ καινή vs. 2; 3:12. καινὰ πάντα ποιεῖν 21:5. καινὸν πίνειν τὸ γένημα τῆς ἀμπέλου Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25.—Of the renewing of a pers. who has been converted κ. ἄνθρωπος Eph 4:24; Dg 2:1. κ. κτίσις a new creature 2 Cor 5:17a; cp. 17b (Ps.-Pla., Axioch. 11 p. 370e ἐκ τῆς ἀσθενείας ἐμαυτὸν συνείλεγμαι καὶ γέγονα καινός=out of weakness I have brought myself together and become new; cp. Orig., C. Cels. 6, 67, 33); Gal 6:15; cp. B 16:8. All the Christians together appear as κ. ἄνθρωπος Eph 2:15.—RHarrisville, The Concept of Newness in the NT, ’60; GSchneider, Καινὴ Κτίσις (Paul and background), diss. Trier, ’59, Neuschöpfung oder Wiederkehr? ’61. Qumran: DSwanson, A Covenant Just Like Jacob’s, The Covenant of 11QT 29 and Jeremiah’s New Covenant: New Qumran Texts and Studies, ed. GBrooke/FMartínez ’94, 273–86.—B. 957. Schmidt, Syn. II 94–123. DELG. M-M. EDNT. TW. S. νεό.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > καινός

  • 12 meraviglioso

    marvel(l)ous, wonderful
    * * *
    1 wonderful, marvellous: una vista meravigliosa, a wonderful sight; abbiamo avuto un tempo meraviglioso durante le vacanze, we had wonderful weather during our holidays; è semplicemente meravigliosa!, she is just splendid!; fa dei progressi meravigliosi, he is doing marvellously; ne abbiamo un ricordo meraviglioso, we have got wonderful memories of it; fare cose meravigliose, to work wonders
    2 (straordinario) extraordinary
    1 (lett.) the supernatural
    2 (aspetto sorprendente) wonder: il meraviglioso in questa faccenda è che..., the wonder of this matter is that...
    * * *
    aggettivo marvellous BE, marvelous AE, wonderful
    * * *
    marvellous BE, marvelous AE, wonderful.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > meraviglioso

  • 13 fein

    I Adj.
    1. Linie, Faden etc.: fine, thin; feiner Regen (light) drizzle
    2. (zart) fine, delicate; (zierlich) graceful; ein feines Gesicht oder feine Züge haben have delicate ( oder finely etched) features; feines Stimmchen finely tuned voice
    3. Kamm, Sieb, Sand, Zucker etc.: fine; feines Mehl finely ground ( oder fine-ground) flour
    4. (gering) fine, subtle; (kaum wahrnehmbar) faint, slight; (winzig) minute; feiner Unterschied der besteht: subtle difference
    5. (genau) accurate, precise; feiner Unterschied den man macht: fine ( oder subtle) distinction; feiner Beobachter keen ( oder shrewd) observer
    6. Sinne: keen, acute; Gespür: fine, sensitive; ein feines Gehör a keen ear; sie hat ein feines Auge / Ohr für she has a keen ( oder good) eye / ear for; feine Nase sensitive nose, keen ( oder good) sense of smell; fig. good nose; Gaumen
    7. Qualität: fine; (erlesen) choice; (tadellos) excellent; Gebäck: fancy; Porzellan: fine; Geruch, Geschmack etc.: exquisite, refined; die feine Küche haute cuisine; das Feinste vom Feinsten the very best, the best that money can buy; das ist Käse vom Feinsten this cheese is of the finest quality
    8. umg. (gut) fein! (o.k.) good!; (das ist toll) great!; fein, dass du da bist it’s great that you’re here; das ist schon eine feine Sache it’s really clever ( oder brilliant); das Feine daran ist... the great thing about it is that...
    9. Humor: subtle; Geschmack: refined, cultivated
    10. (vornehm) distinguished, refined; (elegant) elegant, smart; Restaurant etc.: fancy, posh; der feine Ton good form; die feinen Leute the upper classes, the top people, Brit. auch the nobs umg. altm.; ein feiner Herr iro. a (real) gent umg.; sich (Dat) für etw. zu fein sein think s.th. is beneath one; ich bin dir wohl nicht fein genug I’m not good enough for you, then, am I?; das ist aber nicht gerade die feine englische Art that’s not the proper way of doing things; sich fein machen get dressed up, dress up; put on one’s best clothes; du hast dich aber fein gemacht! you look very smart (Am. really sharp)
    11. umg. (anständig, nett) nice; er / sie ist ein feiner Kerl he’s a great fellow (Am. guy) / she’s really great; du bist mir ein feiner Freund! iro. a fine friend you are
    II Adv.
    1. finely; fein geschnitten finely cut ( oder sliced); Kräuter fein hacken chop herbs finely; fein gemahlenes Mehl finely ground ( oder fine-ground) flour; fein poliert highly finished
    2. (gut) well, nicely; fein schmecken taste good ( stärker: delicious); das hast du fein gemacht! zum Kind: good boy ( oder girl); er ist fein (he) raus umg. he’s sitting pretty
    3. (sehr) really; fein säuberlich nice and neat
    4. (elegant) smartly
    5. (genau) precisely; Details fein herausarbeiten work out details meticulously, pay meticulous attention to detail
    6. (brav, schön) Kindern gegenüber: jetzt sitz mal fein still now sit nice and still; iss fein auf eat it all up, there’s a good boy / girl
    * * *
    nicely (Adv.);
    (dünn) tenuous (Adj.); delicate (Adj.); fine (Adj.);
    (erlesen) choice (Adj.);
    (genau) precise (Adj.); accurate (Adj.);
    (hübsch) nice (Adj.);
    (subtil) subtle (Adj.);
    (vornehm) refined (Adj.); gentlemanly (Adj.); gentlemanlike (Adj.);
    (zierlich) dainty (Adj.); graceful (Adj.)
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= nicht grob) fine; Humor, Ironie delicate; Unterschied subtle; (fig = listig) cunning
    2) (= erlesen) excellent, choice attr; Geruch, Geschmack delicate; Gold, Silber refined; Mensch, Charakter thoroughly nice; (= prima) great (inf), splendid, swell (esp US inf); (iro) fine

    ein féíner Kerl — a great guy (inf), a splendid person

    féín! — great! (inf), marvellous! (Brit), marvelous! (US)

    féín, dass... — great that... (inf), (I'm) so glad that...

    das ist nicht die féíne englische Art — that's not the proper way to go about things

    vom Feinsten seinto be first-rate

    3) (= scharf) sensitive, keen; Gehör, Gefühl auch acute
    4) (= vornehm) refined, fine (esp iro), posh (inf)

    nicht féín genug sein — not to be good enough

    zu féín — that's beneath her

    2. adv
    1) (= nicht grob) gemahlen, gesponnen, schleifen, geädert finely

    ein féín gestreiftes Hemd — a shirt with very thin stripes

    sie hat ein féín geschnittenes Gesicht — she has fine features

    féín geschwungene Augenbrauen — finely arched eyebrows


    (= gut) féín säuberlich — (nice and) neat

    etw féín machen — to do sth beautifully

    das war von dir aber wieder féín bemerkt — you have such a nice way of putting things

    féín (he)raus sein — to be sitting pretty


    (= genau) etw féín einstellen — to adjust sth precisely


    (= elegant) er hat sich féín gemacht — he's dressed to kill (inf)

    sie hat sich féín gemacht — she's all dolled up (inf)

    du gehst jetzt féín nach Hause — now just you go straight home

    sei jetzt mal féín still — now keep nice and quiet or very very quiet

    * * *
    1) (made of small pieces, grains etc: fine sand; fine rain.) fine
    2) (slight; delicate: a fine balance; a fine distinction.) fine
    4) (able to do fine, accurate work: a delicate instrument.) delicate
    6) (very polite; well-mannered; elegant.) refined
    8) (faint or delicate in quality, and therefore difficult to describe or explain: There is a subtle difference between `unnecessary' and `not necessary'; a subtle flavour.) subtle
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (nicht grob) fine; (zart) delicate
    \feines Haar fine hair
    2. (vornehm) distinguished
    \feine Dame/ \feiner Herr a distinguished lady/gentleman
    \feiner Pinkel (pej fam) a person who gives himself airs BRIT
    sich dat für etw akk zu \fein sein sth is beneath one
    3. (von hoher Qualität) exquisite, excellent, choice
    das F\feinste vom F \feinen the best [of the best], the crème de la crème
    vom F\feinsten of the highest quality; (rein) pure
    aus \feinem Gold/Silber made out of pure gold/silver
    4. (fam: anständig) decent; (iron) fine iron
    du bist mir ja ein \feiner Freund! you're a fine friend! iron
    5. (scharf, feinsinnig) keen, acute, sensitive
    ein \feines Gehör haben to have an acute sense of hearing
    eine \feine Nase haben to have a very keen [or acute] sense of smell
    6. (dezent) delicate
    \feiner Humor delicate sense of humour [or AM -or]
    \feine Ironie subtle irony
    7. (fam: erfreulich) fine, super, perfect, great
    \fein! great!
    \fein, dass... it's great that...
    \fein heraus [o raus] sein (fam) to be in a nice position
    II. adv
    1. vor adj, adv (kindersprache: hübsch) nice and..., just childspeak
    seid \fein artig! just be good now!
    2. (genau) fine, precise
    \fein säuberlich accurate
    3. (zart, klein) finely
    \fein gemahlen fine-ground, finely ground
    sich akk \fein machen to dress up
    * * *
    1) (zart) fine < material, line, etc.>
    2) (feinkörnig) fine < sand, powder>; finely-ground < flour>; finely-granulated < sugar>

    etwas fein mahlengrind something fine

    3) (hochwertig) high-quality <fruit, soap, etc.>; fine <silver, gold, etc.>; fancy <cakes, pastries, etc.>
    4) (ugs.): (erfreulich) great (coll.); marvellous
    5) (feingeschnitten) finely shaped, delicate <hands, features, etc.>
    6) (scharf, exakt) keen, sensitive < hearing>; keen < sense of smell>
    7) (ugs.): (anständig, nett) great (coll.), splendid < person>

    eine feine Verwandtschaft/Gesellschaft — (iron.) a fine or nice family/crowd

    8) (einfühlsam) delicate < sense of humour>; keen <sense, understanding>
    9) (gediegen, vornehm) refined < gentleman, lady>

    sich fein machen(ugs.) dress up


    fein [he]raus sein — (ugs.) be sitting pretty (coll.)

    2) (ugs.): (bekräftigend)
    * * *
    A. adj
    1. Linie, Faden etc: fine, thin;
    feiner Regen (light) drizzle
    2. (zart) fine, delicate; (zierlich) graceful;
    feine Züge haben have delicate ( oder finely etched) features;
    feines Stimmchen finely tuned voice
    3. Kamm, Sieb, Sand, Zucker etc: fine;
    feines Mehl finely ground ( oder fine-ground) flour
    4. (gering) fine, subtle; (kaum wahrnehmbar) faint, slight; (winzig) minute;
    feiner Unterschied der besteht: subtle difference
    5. (genau) accurate, precise;
    feiner Unterschied den man macht: fine ( oder subtle) distinction;
    feiner Beobachter keen ( oder shrewd) observer
    6. Sinne: keen, acute; Gespür: fine, sensitive;
    ein feines Gehör a keen ear;
    sie hat ein feines Auge/Ohr für she has a keen ( oder good) eye/ear for;
    feine Nase sensitive nose, keen ( oder good) sense of smell; fig good nose; Gaumen
    7. Qualität: fine; (erlesen) choice; (tadellos) excellent; Gebäck: fancy; Porzellan: fine; Geruch, Geschmack etc: exquisite, refined;
    die feine Küche haute cuisine;
    das Feinste vom Feinsten the very best, the best that money can buy;
    das ist Käse vom Feinsten this cheese is of the finest quality
    8. umg (gut)
    fein! (o.k.) good!; (das ist toll) great!;
    fein, dass du da bist it’s great that you’re here;
    das ist schon eine feine Sache it’s really clever ( oder brilliant);
    das Feine daran ist … the great thing about it is that …
    9. Humor: subtle; Geschmack: refined, cultivated
    10. (vornehm) distinguished, refined; (elegant) elegant, smart; Restaurant etc: fancy, posh;
    der feine Ton good form;
    die feinen Leute the upper classes, the top people, Br auch the nobs umg obs;
    ein feiner Herr iron a (real) gent umg;
    sich (dat)
    für etwas zu fein sein think sth is beneath one;
    ich bin dir wohl nicht fein genug I’m not good enough for you, then, am I?;
    das ist aber nicht gerade die feine englische Art that’s not the proper way of doing things;
    sich fein machen get dressed up, dress up; put on one’s best clothes;
    du hast dich aber fein gemacht! you look very smart (US really sharp)
    11. umg (anständig, nett) nice;
    er/sie ist ein feiner Kerl he’s a great fellow (US guy)/she’s really great;
    du bist mir ein feiner Freund! iron a fine friend you are
    B. adv
    1. finely;
    fein geschnitten finely cut ( oder sliced);
    Kräuter fein hacken chop herbs finely;
    fein gemahlenes Mehl finely ground ( oder fine-ground) flour;
    fein poliert highly finished
    2. (gut) well, nicely;
    fein schmecken taste good ( stärker: delicious);
    das hast du fein gemacht! zum Kind: good boy ( oder girl);
    er ist fein (he)raus umg he’s sitting pretty
    3. (sehr) really;
    fein säuberlich nice and neat
    4. (elegant) smartly
    5. (genau) precisely;
    Details fein herausarbeiten work out details meticulously, pay meticulous attention to detail
    6. (brav, schön) Kindern gegenüber:
    jetzt sitz mal fein still now sit nice and still;
    iss fein auf eat it all up, there’s a good boy/girl
    * * *
    1) (zart) fine <material, line, etc.>
    2) (feinkörnig) fine <sand, powder>; finely-ground < flour>; finely-granulated < sugar>
    3) (hochwertig) high-quality <fruit, soap, etc.>; fine <silver, gold, etc.>; fancy <cakes, pastries, etc.>
    4) (ugs.): (erfreulich) great (coll.); marvellous
    5) (feingeschnitten) finely shaped, delicate <hands, features, etc.>
    6) (scharf, exakt) keen, sensitive < hearing>; keen < sense of smell>
    7) (ugs.): (anständig, nett) great (coll.), splendid < person>

    eine feine Verwandtschaft/Gesellschaft — (iron.) a fine or nice family/crowd

    8) (einfühlsam) delicate < sense of humour>; keen <sense, understanding>
    9) (gediegen, vornehm) refined <gentleman, lady>

    sich fein machen(ugs.) dress up


    fein [he]raus sein — (ugs.) be sitting pretty (coll.)

    2) (ugs.): (bekräftigend)
    * * *
    fine adj.
    nice adj.
    pretty adj.
    subtle adj. adv.
    finely adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > fein

  • 14 μέγας

    μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα (Hom.+) comp. μείζων and beside it, because of the gradual disappearance of feeling for its comp. sense, μειζότερος 3J 4 (APF 3, 1906, 173; POxy 131, 25; BGU 368, 9; ApcSed 1:5 [cp. J 15:13]; s. B-D-F §61, 2; W-S. §11, 4; Mlt-H. 166; Gignac II 158). Superl. μέγιστος (2 Pt 1:4).
    pert. to exceeding a standard involving related objects, large, great
    of any extension in space in all directions λίθος Mt 27:60; Mk 16:4. δένδρον Lk 13:19 v.l. (TestAbr B 3 p. 107, 6 [Stone p. 62]). κλάδοι Mk 4:32. Buildings 13:2. Fish J 21:11. A mountain (Tyrtaeus [VII B.C.], Fgm. 4, 8 D.2; Ps.-Aristot., Mirabilia 138; Theopomp. [IV B.C.]: 115 Fgm. 78 Jac.) Rv 8:8. A star vs. 10. A furnace 9:2 (ParJer 6:23). A dragon (Esth 1:1e; Bel 23 Theod.) 12:3, 9. ἀετός (Ezk 17:3; ParJer 7:18 [RHarris; om. Kraft-Purintun]) vs. 14. μάχαιρα a long sword 6:4. ἅλυσις a long chain 20:1. πέλαγος AcPl Ha 7, 23 (first hand).
    with suggestion of spaciousness ἀνάγαιον a spacious room upstairs Mk 14:15; Lk 22:12. θύρα a wide door 1 Cor 16:9. A winepress Rv 14:19 (ληνός μ. ‘trough’ JosAs 2:20); χάσμα a broad chasm (2 Km 18:17) Lk 16:26. οἰκία (Jer 52:13) 2 Ti 2:20.
    with words that include the idea of number ἀγέλη μ. a large herd Mk 5:11. δεῖπνον a great banquet, w. many invited guests (Da 5:1 Theod.; JosAs 3:6) Lk 14:16. Also δοχὴ μ. (Gen 21:8) Lk 5:29; GJs 6:2.
    of age (Jos., Ant. 12, 207 μικρὸς ἢ μέγας=‘young or old’); to include all concerned μικροὶ καὶ μεγάλοι small and great (PGM 15, 18) Rv 11:18; 13:16; 19:5, 18; 20:12. μικρῷ τε καὶ μεγάλῳ Ac 26:22. ἀπὸ μικροῦ ἕως μεγάλου (Gen 19:11; 4 Km 23:2; 2 Ch 34:30; POxy 1350) 8:10; Hb 8:11 (Jer 38:34). μέγας γενόμενος when he was grown up 11:24 (Ex 2:11). ὁ μείζων the older (O. Wilck II, 144, 3 [128 A.D.]; 213, 3; 1199, 2; LXX; cp. Polyb. 18, 18, 9 Σκιπίων ὁ μέγας; 32, 12, 1) Ro 9:12; 13:2 (both Gen 25:23).
    pert. to being above average in quantity, great πορισμός a great means of gain 1 Ti 6:6. μισθαποδοσία rich reward Hb 10:35.
    pert. to being above standard in intensity, great δύναμις Ac 4:33; 19:8 D. Esp. of sound: loud φωνή Mk 15:37; Lk 17:15; Rv 1:10; φωνῇ μεγάλῃ (LXX; TestAbr A 5 p. 82, 20f [Stone p. 12]; ParJer 2:2; ApcMos 5:21) Mt 27:46, 50; Mk 1:26; 5:7; 15:34; Lk 4:33; 8:28; 19:37; 23:23 (Φωναῖς μεγάλαις), 46; J 11:43; Ac 7:57, 60; 8:7; Rv 5:12; 6:10 al.; μεγ. φωνῇ (ParJer 5:32); Ac 14:10; 16:28; μεγ. τῇ φωνῇ (ParJer 9:8; Jos., Bell. 6, 188) 14:10 v.l.; 26:24; ἐν φωνῇ μ. Rv 5:2. μετὰ σάλπιγγος μεγάλης with a loud trumpet call Mt 24:31. κραυγή (Ex 11:6; 12:30) Lk 1:42; Ac 23:9; cp. μεῖζον κράζειν cry out all the more Mt 20:31. κοπετός (Gen 50:10) Ac 8:2.—Of natural phenomena: ἄνεμος μ. a strong wind J 6:18; Rv 6:13. λαῖλαψ μ. (Jer 32:32) Mk 4:37. βροντή (Sir 40:13) Rv 14:2. χάλαζα Rv 11:19; 16:21a. χάλαζα λίαν μ. σφόδρα AcPl Ha 5, 7. σεισμὸς μ. (Jer 10:22; Ezk 3:12; 38:19; Jos., Ant. 9, 225) Mt 8:24; 28:2; Lk 21:11a; Ac 16:26. γαλήνη μ. a deep calm Mt 8:26; Mk 4:39; φῶς μ. a bright light (JosAs 6:3; ParJer 9:18 [16]; Plut., Mor. 567f: a divine voice sounds forth from this light; Petosiris, Fgm. 7, ln. 39 τὸ ἱερὸν ἄστρον μέγα ποιοῦν φῶς) Mt 4:16a; GJs 19:2 (Is 9:1). καῦμα μ. intense heat Rv 16:9 (JosAs 3:3).—Of surprising or unpleasant events or phenomena of the most diverse kinds (ἀπώλεια Dt 7:23; θάνατος Ex 9:3; Jer 21:6; κακόν Philo, Agr. 47) σημεῖα (Dt 6:22; 29:2) Mt 24:24; Lk 21:11b; Ac 6:8. δυνάμεις 8:13. ἔργα μ. mighty deeds (cp. Judg 2:7) Rv 15:3. μείζω τούτων greater things than these J 1:50 (μείζονα v.l.); cp. 5:20; 14:12. διωγμὸς μ. a severe persecution Ac 8:1; θλῖψις μ. (a time of) great suffering (1 Macc 9:27) Mt 24:21; Ac 7:11; Rv 2:22; 7:14. πειρασμός AcPl Ha 8, 22. πληγή (Judg 15:8; 1 Km 4:10, 17 al.; TestReub 1:7; TestSim 8:4; Philo, Sacr. Abel. 134) 16:21b. θόρυβος GJs 21:1; AcPl Ha 1, 28f (restored, s. AcPlTh [Aa I 258, 6]) λιμὸς μ. (4 Km 6:25; 1 Macc 9:24) Lk 4:25; Ac 11:28; ἀνάγκη μ. Lk 21:23; πυρετὸς μ. a high fever (s. πυρετός) 4:38.—Of emotions: χαρά great joy (Jon 4:6; JosAs 3:4; 4:2 al.; Jos., Ant. 12, 91) Mt 2:10; 28:8; Lk 2:10; 24:52. φόβος great fear (X., Cyr. 4, 2, 10; Menand., Fgm. 388 Kö.; Jon 1:10, 16; 1 Macc 10:8; TestAbr B 13 p. 117, 18 [Stone p. 82]; JosAs 6:1; GrBar 7:5) Mk 4:41; Lk 2:9; 8:37; Ac 5:5, 11; AcPl Ha 3, 33. θυμὸς μ. fierce anger (1 Macc 7:35) Rv 12:12. μείζων ἀγάπη greater love J 15:13. λύπη profound (Jon 4:1; 1 Macc 6:4, 9, 13; TestJob 7:8) Ro 9:2. σκυθρωπία AcPl Ha 7, 36. πίστις firm Mt 15:28. ἔκστασις (cp. Gen 27:33; ParJer 5:8, 12) Mk 5:42.
    pert. to being relatively superior in importance, great
    of rational entities: of God and other deities θεός (SIG 985, 34 θεοὶ μεγάλοι [LBlock, Megaloi Theoi: Roscher II 2523–28, 2536–40; SCole, Theoi Megaloi, The Cult of the Great Gods at Samothrace ’84]; 1237, 5 ὀργὴ μεγάλη τ. μεγάλου Διός; OGI 50, 7; 168, 6; 716, 1; PStras 81, 14 [115 B.C.] Ἴσιδος μεγάλης μητρὸς θεῶν; POxy 886, 1; PTebt 409, 11; 22 ὁ θεὸς μ. Σάραπις, al.; PGM 4, 155; 482; 778 and oft.; 3052 μέγ. θεὸς Σαβαώθ; 5, 474; Dt 10:17 al. in LXX; En 103:4; 104:1; Philo, Cher. 29 al.; Jos., Ant. 8, 319; SibOr 3, 19; 71 al.—Thieme 36f) Tit 2:13 (Christ is meant). Ἄρτεμις (q.v.) Ac 19:27f, 34f (cp. Ael. Aristid. 48, 21 K.=24 p. 471 D. the outcry: μέγας ὁ Ἀσκληπιός); s. New Docs 1, 106 on this epithet in ref. to deities. Simon the magician is called ἡ δύναμις τ. θεοῦ ἡ καλουμένη μεγάλη Ac 8:10b (s. δύναμις 5). The angel Michael Hs 8, 3, 3; cp. 8, 4, 1.—Of people who stand in relation to the Divinity or are otherw. in high position: ἀρχιερεύς (s. ἀρχιερεύς 2a and ἱερεύς aβ.—ἀρχ. μέγ. is also the appellation of the priest-prince of Olba [s. PECS 641f] in Cilicia: MAMA III ’31 p. 67, ins 63; 64 [I B.C.]) Hb 4:14. προφήτης (Sir 48:22) Lk 7:16. ποιμήν Hb 13:20. Gener. of rulers: οἱ μεγάλοι the great ones, those in high position Mt 20:25; Mk 10:42. Of people prominent for any reason Mt 5:19; 20:26; Mk 10:43; Lk 1:15, 32; Ac 5:36 D; 8:9 (MSmith, HWolfson Festschr., ’65, 741: μ. here and Lk 1:32 may imply a messianic claim).—μέγας in the superl. sense (2 Km 7:9.—The positive also stands for the superl., e.g. Sallust. 4 p. 6, 14, where Paris calls Aphrodite καλή=the most beautiful. Diod S 17, 70, 1 πολεμία τῶν πόλεων=the most hostile [or especially hostile] among the cities) Lk 9:48 (opp. ὁ μικρότερος).—Comp. μείζων greater of God (Ael. Aristid. 27, 3 K.=16 p. 382 D.; PGM 13, 689 ἐπικαλοῦμαί σε, τὸν πάντων μείζονα) J 14:28; Hb 6:13; 1J 3:20; 4:4. More prominent or outstanding because of certain advantages Mt 11:11; Lk 7:28; 22:26f; J 4:12; 8:53; 13:16ab; 1 Cor 14:5. More closely defined: ἰσχύϊ καὶ δυνάμει μείζων greater in power and might 2 Pt 2:11. μεῖζον τοῦ ἱεροῦ someth. greater than the temple Mt 12:6. μείζων with superl. mng. (Ps.-Apollod., Epit. 7, 8 Wagner: Ὀδυσσεὺς τρεῖς κριοὺς ὁμοῦ συνδέων … καὶ αὐτὸς τῷ μείζονι ὑποδύς; Appian, Bell. Civ. 2, 87 §366 ἐν παρασκευῇ μείζονι= in the greatest preparation; Vett. Val. 62, 24; TestJob 3:1 ἐν μείζονι φωτί) Mt 18:1, 4; 23:11; Mk 9:34; Lk 9:46; 22:24, 26.
    of things: great, sublime, important μυστήριον (GrBar 1:6; 2:6; ApcMos 34; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 100 al.; Just., A I, 27, 4) Eph 5:32; 1 Ti 3:16. Of the sabbath day that begins a festival period J 19:31; MPol 8:1b. Esp. of the day of the divine judgment (LXX; En 22:4; ApcEsdr 3:3 p. 27, 7 Tdf.; Just., D. 49, 2 al.; cp. TestAbr A 13 p. 92, 11 [Stone p. 32]) Ac 2:20 (Jo 3:4); Jd 6; Rv 6:17; 16:14. Of Paul’s superb instructional ability μ̣ε̣γάλῃ καθ̣[ηγήσει] AcPl Ha 6, 30f.—μέγας in the superl. sense (Plut., Mor. 35a w. πρῶτος; Himerius, Or. 14 [Ecl. 15], 3 μέγας=greatest, really great; B-D-F §245, 2; s. Rob. 669) ἐντολή Mt 22:36, 38. ἡμέρα ἡ μ. τῆς ἑορτῆς the great day of the festival J 7:37 (cp. Lucian, Pseudolog. 8 ἡ μεγάλη νουμηνία [at the beginning of the year]); Mel., P. 79, 579; 92, 694 ἐν τῇ μ. ἐορτῇ; GJs 1:2; 2:2 (s. deStrycker on 1:2). Of Mary’s day of parturition ὡς μεγάλη ἡ σήμερον ἡμέρα what a great day this is GJs 19:2. μείζων as comp. (Chion, Ep. 16, 8 philosophy as νόμος μείζων=higher law; Sir 10:24) J 5:36; 1J 5:9. μ. ἁμαρτία J 19:11 (cp. schol. on Pla. 189d ἁμαρτήματα μεγάλα; Ex 32:30f). τὰ χαρίσματα τὰ μείζονα the more important spiritual gifts (in the sense Paul gave the word) 1 Cor 12:31. As a superl. (Epict. 3, 24, 93; Stephan. Byz. s.v. Ὕβλαι: the largest of three cities is ἡ μείζων [followed by ἡ ἐλάττων, and finally ἡ μικρά=the smallest]. The comparative also performs the function of the superlative, e.g. Diod S 20, 22, 2, where πρεσβύτερος is the oldest of 3 men) Mt 13:32; 1 Cor 13:13 (by means of the superl. μ. Paul singles out from the triad the one quality that interests him most in this connection, just as Ael. Aristid. 45, 16 K. by means of αὐτός at the end of the θεοί singles out Sarapis, the only one that affects him).—The superl. μέγιστος, at times used by contemporary authors, occurs only once in the NT, where it is used in the elative sense very great, extraordinary (Diod S 2, 32, 1) ἐπαγγέλματα 2 Pt 1:4.—On the adv. usage Ac 26:29 s. ὀλίγος 2bβ.—Neut. pl. μεγάλα ποιεῖν τινι do great things for someone Lk 1:49 (cp. Dt 10:21). λαλεῖν μεγάλα καὶ βλασφημίας utter proud words and blasphemies Rv 13:5 (Da 7:8; cp. En 101:3). ἐποίει μεγ̣[ά]λα καὶ [θα]υ̣[μά]σ̣ι̣α̣ (Just., A I, 62, 4) (Christ) proceeded to perform great and marvelous deeds AcPl Ha 8, 33/BMM verso 6.
    pert. to being unusual, surprising, neut. μέγα εἰ … θερίσομεν; is it an extraordinary thing (i.e. are we expecting too much = our colloquial ‘is it a big deal’) if we wish to reap? 1 Cor 9:11. οὐ μέγα οὖν, εἰ it is not surprising, then, if 2 Cor 11:15 (on this constr. cp. Pla., Menex. 235d; Plut., Mor. 215f; Gen 45:28; s. AFridrichsen, ConNeot 2, ’36, 46).—B. 878f; 1309. DELG. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > μέγας

  • 15 ausgezeichnet

    I P.P. auszeichnen
    II Adj. excellent, outstanding; das Lokal hat eine ausgezeichnete Küche the place ( oder restaurant) serves excellent food
    III Adv. very well; er kann ausgezeichnet kochen auch he’s an excellent cook; hier kann man ausgezeichnet essen the food here is excellent; danke, mir geht’s ausgezeichnet I’m doing just fine, thanks; das passt mir ausgezeichnet that suits me very well
    * * *
    superb; eminent; distinctive; plummy; distinguished; excellent
    * * *
    1. adj
    2. adv

    sie kann áúsgezeichnet schwimmen/tanzen — she is an excellent swimmer/dancer

    es geht mir áúsgezeichnet — I'm feeling marvellous (Brit) or marvelous (US)

    auch auszeichnen
    * * *
    1) (satisfactorily: This arrangement suits me fine.) fine
    2) (unusually good: an excellent plan.) excellent
    4) (very beautiful or skilful: exquisite embroidery.) exquisite
    5) (very good: This food is first-class!) first-class
    6) (of the best quality: She is a first-rate architect.) first-rate
    * * *
    [ˈausgətsaiçnət, ˈausgəˈtsaiçnət]
    I. adj excellent
    von \ausgezeichneter Qualität of excellent [or superior] quality
    II. adv extremely well
    \ausgezeichnet kochen to be an excellent cook
    mir geht es \ausgezeichnet I'm feeling just great
    * * *
    Adjektiv excellent; outstanding < expert>
    adverbial excellently

    ausgezeichnet Tennis spielen könnenbe an excellent tennis player

    * * *
    A. pperf auszeichnen
    B. adj excellent, outstanding;
    das Lokal hat eine ausgezeichnete Küche the place ( oder restaurant) serves excellent food
    C. adv very well;
    er kann ausgezeichnet kochen auch he’s an excellent cook;
    hier kann man ausgezeichnet essen the food here is excellent;
    danke, mir geht’s ausgezeichnet I’m doing just fine, thanks;
    das passt mir ausgezeichnet that suits me very well
    * * *
    Adjektiv excellent; outstanding < expert>
    adverbial excellently
    * * *
    distinguished adj.
    excellent adj.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ausgezeichnet

  • 16 Klasse

    I indekl. Adj. umg.: eine klasse Idee a terrific ( oder great, brilliant) idea; das Buch ist klasse the book is brilliant; klasse! Ausruf: super!
    II Adv.: klasse gemacht brilliantly done; du siehst klasse aus you look fantastic
    * * *
    die Klasse
    (Kategorie) category; class;
    (Qualität) sort; grade; quality;
    (Schüler) form; class
    * * *
    Klạs|se ['klasə]
    f -, -n
    1) class; (= Steuerklasse auch) bracket; (= Wertklasse auch) rate; (= Spielklasse) league; (= Güteklasse) grade; (= Führerscheinklasse, Gewinnklasse) category
    2) (SCH) class, form; (= Raum) classroom
    * * *
    1) (a number of students or scholars taught together: John and I are in the same class.) class
    2) (a school class: He is in the sixth form.) form
    3) ((American) (the pupils in) a class or year at school: We're in the fifth grade now.) grade
    4) (a social class: the lower social ranks.) rank
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    1. (Schulklasse) class, BRIT a. form
    eine \Klasse wiederholen/überspringen to repeat/skip a year; (Klassenraum) classroom
    die herrschende \Klasse the ruling classes pl
    zur \Klasse der Arbeiter gehören to belong to the [or to be] working class
    3. (Güteklasse) class
    Champignons der \Klasse III class III mushrooms
    ein Wagen der gehobenen \Klasse a top-of-the-range car
    ein Spieler der besten \Klasse a first-class player
    4. BIOL category
    5. POL (Rangstufe) rank, class
    das Bundesverdienstkreuz erster \Klasse the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany first-class
    wir fahren immer erster \Klasse we always travel first-class
    7. SPORT league; Boxen division, class
    der Führerschein \Klasse III a class III driving licence [or AM -se
    11. JUR (Patentrecht) class
    anwendungsbezogene \Klasse utility-oriented class
    anwendungsfreie \Klasse non-utility-oriented class
    erster \Klasse first-class [or -rate]
    [ganz] große \Klasse! [sein] (fam) [that's] [just] great! fam
    \Klasse statt Masse (fam) quality not quantity
    * * *
    die; Klasse, Klassen
    1) (SchulKlasse) class; form (esp. Brit.); (Raum) classroom; (Stufe) year; grade (Amer.)
    3) (Sport) league; (Boxen) division; class
    4) (Kategorie) class

    er ist ein Künstler erster Klasse(ugs.) he is a first-class or first-rate artist

    das ist [einsame od. ganz große] Klasse! — (ugs.) that's [just] great (coll.) or marvellous!

    5) (Biol.) class
    * * *
    Klasse f; -, -n
    1. SCHULE class, Br auch form, US auch grade; in Klassenbezeichnungen: Br meist form; (Stufe) year, US grade; (Klassenzimmer) classroom;
    sie musste die dritte Klasse wiederholen she had to repeat the third year (US repeat third grade)
    2. SOZIOL class;
    die arbeitende/herrschende Klasse the working/ruling class
    3. WIRTSCH grade, quality
    4. SPORT class; besonders Fußball: division, league, US auch conference
    5. (Gehalts-, Steuerklasse) bracket
    6. Qualitätsstufe: class;
    Fahrkarte erster Klasse first-class ticket;
    erster Klasse reisen travel first-class;
    man behandelte uns wie Menschen zweiter Klasse we were treated as second-class citizens;
    er ist eine Klasse für sich he’s in a class of his own;
    das war (ganz große) Klasse! umg that was (really) great ( oder fantastic)
    7. (Fahrzeug-, Führerscheinklasse) category;
    ein Wagen der mittleren Klasse a middle-range car;
    Führerschein Klasse B category B driving licence (US driver’s license) (for cars and light commercial vehicles up to 3,500 kg and 8 seats)
    7. BIOL class;
    Tiere und Pflanzen nach Klassen einteilen classify animals and plants
    Klasse… im subst umg super, great, brilliant
    * * *
    die; Klasse, Klassen
    1) (SchulKlasse) class; form (esp. Brit.); (Raum) classroom; (Stufe) year; grade (Amer.)
    3) (Sport) league; (Boxen) division; class
    4) (Kategorie) class

    er ist ein Künstler erster Klasse(ugs.) he is a first-class or first-rate artist

    das ist [einsame od. ganz große] Klasse! — (ugs.) that's [just] great (coll.) or marvellous!

    5) (Biol.) class
    * * *
    -n f.
    class n.
    (§ pl.: classes)
    grade n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Klasse

  • 17 klasse

    I indekl. Adj. umg.: eine klasse Idee a terrific ( oder great, brilliant) idea; das Buch ist klasse the book is brilliant; klasse! Ausruf: super!
    II Adv.: klasse gemacht brilliantly done; du siehst klasse aus you look fantastic
    * * *
    die Klasse
    (Kategorie) category; class;
    (Qualität) sort; grade; quality;
    (Schüler) form; class
    * * *
    Klạs|se ['klasə]
    f -, -n
    1) class; (= Steuerklasse auch) bracket; (= Wertklasse auch) rate; (= Spielklasse) league; (= Güteklasse) grade; (= Führerscheinklasse, Gewinnklasse) category
    2) (SCH) class, form; (= Raum) classroom
    * * *
    1) (a number of students or scholars taught together: John and I are in the same class.) class
    2) (a school class: He is in the sixth form.) form
    3) ((American) (the pupils in) a class or year at school: We're in the fifth grade now.) grade
    4) (a social class: the lower social ranks.) rank
    * * *
    <-, -n>
    1. (Schulklasse) class, BRIT a. form
    eine \Klasse wiederholen/überspringen to repeat/skip a year; (Klassenraum) classroom
    die herrschende \Klasse the ruling classes pl
    zur \Klasse der Arbeiter gehören to belong to the [or to be] working class
    3. (Güteklasse) class
    Champignons der \Klasse III class III mushrooms
    ein Wagen der gehobenen \Klasse a top-of-the-range car
    ein Spieler der besten \Klasse a first-class player
    4. BIOL category
    5. POL (Rangstufe) rank, class
    das Bundesverdienstkreuz erster \Klasse the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany first-class
    wir fahren immer erster \Klasse we always travel first-class
    7. SPORT league; Boxen division, class
    der Führerschein \Klasse III a class III driving licence [or AM -se
    11. JUR (Patentrecht) class
    anwendungsbezogene \Klasse utility-oriented class
    anwendungsfreie \Klasse non-utility-oriented class
    erster \Klasse first-class [or -rate]
    [ganz] große \Klasse! [sein] (fam) [that's] [just] great! fam
    \Klasse statt Masse (fam) quality not quantity
    * * *
    die; Klasse, Klassen
    1) (SchulKlasse) class; form (esp. Brit.); (Raum) classroom; (Stufe) year; grade (Amer.)
    3) (Sport) league; (Boxen) division; class
    4) (Kategorie) class

    er ist ein Künstler erster Klasse(ugs.) he is a first-class or first-rate artist

    das ist [einsame od. ganz große] Klasse! — (ugs.) that's [just] great (coll.) or marvellous!

    5) (Biol.) class
    * * *
    A. undekl adj umg:
    eine klasse Idee a terrific ( oder great, brilliant) idea;
    das Buch ist klasse the book is brilliant;
    klasse! Ausruf: super!
    B. adv:
    klasse gemacht brilliantly done;
    du siehst klasse aus you look fantastic
    * * *
    die; Klasse, Klassen
    1) (SchulKlasse) class; form (esp. Brit.); (Raum) classroom; (Stufe) year; grade (Amer.)
    3) (Sport) league; (Boxen) division; class
    4) (Kategorie) class

    er ist ein Künstler erster Klasse(ugs.) he is a first-class or first-rate artist

    das ist [einsame od. ganz große] Klasse! — (ugs.) that's [just] great (coll.) or marvellous!

    5) (Biol.) class
    * * *
    -n f.
    class n.
    (§ pl.: classes)
    grade n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > klasse

  • 18 perder

    1 to lose (dinero, objeto, amigo).
    Ella pierde She loses.
    Ella pierde su cartera She loses her purse.
    Ella perdió la oportunidad She lost the opportunity.
    no te pelees con él, que llevas las de perder don't get into a fight with him, you're bound to lose
    3 to waste.
    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    4 to miss (tren, vuelo).
    Ella perdió el bus She missed the bus.
    5 to be the ruin of.
    le pierde su pasión por el juego his passion for gambling is ruining him
    6 to lose, to leak (tener un escape de) (agua).
    ese camión va perdiendo aceite this lorry is losing o leaking oil
    7 to go downhill.
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ ENTENDER], like link=entender entender
    1 (gen) to lose
    2 (malgastar, desperdiciar) to waste
    3 (tren etc) to miss
    4 (ser causa de daños) to be the ruin of
    1 (gen) to lose; (salir perdiendo) to lose out
    2 (empeorar) to get worse
    esta ciudad ha perdido mucho, ya no es lo que era this city has gone downhill, it isn't what it used to be
    1 (extraviarse - persona) to get lost; (- animal) to go missing
    2 (confundirse) to get confused, get mixed up
    3 (desaparecer) to disappear, take off
    en cuanto ve problemas, se pierde as soon as there's a problem, he disappears
    4 (dejar escapar) to miss
    ¡no te lo pierdas! don't miss it!
    echar a perder to spoil
    perder agua to leak
    perder color to fade
    perder de vista to lose sight of
    perderse por algo/alguien familiar to give up everything for somebody/something
    salir perdiendo to come off worse, lose out
    tener buen perder to be a good loser
    tener mal perder to be a bad loser
    ¡piérdete! familiar get lost!
    * * *
    2) miss
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ objeto, dinero, peso] to lose

    perder algo de vistato lose sight of sth

    conviene no perder de vista que... — we mustn't forget that..., we mustn't lose sight of the fact that...

    2) [+ tiempo] to waste

    ¡me estás haciendo perder el tiempo! — you're wasting my time!

    3) [+ aire, aceite] to leak

    el vehículo pierde aceite — the car is leaking oil, the car has an oil leak

    4) (=no coger) [+ tren, avión] to miss; [+ oportunidad] to miss, lose
    5) (=destruir) to ruin

    ese vicio le perderá — that vice will ruin him, that vice will be his ruin

    lo que le pierde es... — where he comes unstuck is...

    6) (Jur) to lose, forfeit
    2. VI
    1) [en competición, disputa] to lose

    tienen o llevan todas las de perder — they look certain to lose

    saber perder — to be a good loser

    salir perdiendo, salí perdiendo en el negocio — I lost out on the deal

    2) (=empeorar)

    era un buen cantante, pero ha perdido mucho — he was a good singer, but he's gone downhill

    era muy guapo, pero ha perdido bastante — he isn't nearly as good-looking as he used to be

    3) [tela] to fade

    echar a perder — [+ comida, sorpresa] to ruin, spoil; [+ oportunidad] to waste

    echarse a perder — [comida] to go off; [sorpresa] to be ruined, be spoiled

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( extraviar) <llaves/documento/guante> to lose
    b) <señal/imagen/contacto> to lose
    a) <dinero/propiedad/cosecha> to lose

    con preguntar no se pierde nada — we've/you've nothing to lose by asking, there's no harm in asking

    más se perdió en la guerra — (fr hecha) it's not the end of the world

    b) <derecho/trabajo> to lose
    c) <brazo/sangre/vista> to lose

    perder la vida — to lose one's life, to perish; cabeza, vista II, III

    d) <hijo/marido> to lose
    a) <interés/entusiasmo/paciencia> to lose

    llegas tarde, para no perder la costumbre — (iró) you're late, just for a change (iro)

    perder la práctica/la costumbre — to get out of practice/the habit

    perder el conocimiento — to lose consciousness, to pass out

    b) <fuerza/intensidad/calor/altura> to lose

    perder el ritmo — (Mús) to lose the beat; ( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm

    c) <peso/kilos> to lose
    a) <autobús/tren/avión> to miss
    b) <ocasión/oportunidad> to miss
    c) < tiempo> to waste
    a) <guerra/pleito/partido> to lose
    b) <curso/año> to fail; < examen> (Ur) to fail
    7) <agua/aceite/aire> to lose
    perder vi
    1) ( ser derrotado) to lose
    a) cafetera/tanque to leak
    b) (RPl) color ( aclararse) to fade

    echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1) a), echarse I 1) a)

    perderse v pron
    a) ( extraviarse) persona/objeto to get lost; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿y a tí que se te ha perdido por allí? — whatever possessed you to go there

    no hay por dónde perderse — (Chi fam) there's no question about it

    b) ( desaparecer) to disappear
    c) (en tema, conversación)

    empieza otra vez, ya me perdí — start again, you've lost me already

    2) <fiesta/película/espectáculo> to miss
    a) ( acabar mal) to get into trouble, lose one's way (liter)
    b) (Per fam) ( prostituirse) to go on the streets (colloq)
    * * *
    = lose, misplace, forfeit, mislay, lose out, miss, suffer + loss.
    Ex. One of the hardest tasks of a curator is to make a precis of the information about a particular object without losing any essential information.
    Ex. This article discusses the common abuses of circulation privileges by a few faculty members: removing books from the library without checking them out; misplacing books after they have been checked out; and failing to return books when needed by others = Este artículo analiza los abusos comunes de los privilegios de préstamo por parte de unos pocos profesores: coger libros de la biblioteca sin sacarlos en préstamo, perder libros tras haberlos sacados en préstamo y no dever libros cuando otros los necesitan.
    Ex. In addition, it enables the library to respond to the needs of the new popular culture without forfeiting its traditional cultural purpose.
    Ex. Workflow systems automate business processes, such as the management of a housing benefit claim, to ensure all tasks are completed on time and no information can be lost or mislaid.
    Ex. Libraries, in the crush to pay journal invoices, are losing out, as other services as well as staffing and pay all end up unfunded = Las bibliotecas, ante la presión de tener que pagar las facturas de las revistas, salen perdiendo ya que otros servicios así como el personal y los salarios terminanan todos con insuficientes fondos.
    Ex. Thus the browser may miss valuable items, although some browsers will find browsing a perfectly adequate method of gauging the extent of a library collection.
    Ex. They played their third game of the season today and suffered another loss but the team continues to improve.
    * echar a perder = ruin, bungle, bring out + the worst in, cast + a blight on, blight, go off.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echar + Posesivo + planes a perder = upset + Posesivo + plans.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer perder el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.
    * hacer perder el sentido a = make + nonsense of.
    * hacer perder la agilidad física = stale.
    * hacer perder la agilidad mental = stale.
    * hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.
    * hacer que Alguien pierda el empleo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * hacer que pierda el interés = take + the shine off things.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * ni ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * perder agua = lose + water, leak.
    * perder Algo = take + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + hands.
    * perder confianza = lose + confidence (in).
    * perder contacto con la realidad = lose + touch with reality.
    * perder control = lose + control (of).
    * perder credibilidad = destroy + credence.
    * perder de vista = lose from + sight, drop from + sight, lose + sight of.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * perder eficacia = lose + clout.
    * perder el alma = lose + Posesivo + soul.
    * perder el ánimo = lose + heart.
    * perder el apetito = lose + Posesivo + appetite.
    * perder el atractivo = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour.
    * perder el color = fade.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * perder el contacto con = lose + touch with.
    * perder el control = slip beyond + the grasp of, lose + Posesivo + grip, run + amok, sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go to + pieces, go + wild.
    * perder el control de Algo = get out of + hand.
    * perder el control de la situación = things + get out of hand.
    * perder el culo = go into + raptures.
    * perder el encanto = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour, lose + Posesivo + shine.
    * perder el entusiasmo = lose + heart.
    * perder el equilibrio = lose + Posesivo + balance.
    * perder el favor de = lose + popularity with.
    * perder el hábito = lose + the habit.
    * perder el hilo = lose + the plot, lose + the thread.
    * perder el interés = pall.
    * perder el juicio = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder el norte = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el pie = lose + Posesivo + footing.
    * perder el rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el sentido = faint, lose + Posesivo + senses, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder el sentido del humor = lose + sense of humour.
    * perder el sueño por = lose + sleep over/on.
    * perder el tiempo = dawdle, mess around, pissing into the wind, mess about, faff (about/around), pootle, sit + idle, muck around/about, piddle around.
    * perder el tiempo, hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = piddle around.
    * perder el valor = lose + Posesivo + nerve.
    * perder entusiasmo = lose + enthusiasm.
    * perder esperanza = lose + hope.
    * perder fuerza = lose + power, lose + steam.
    * perder gas = lose + steam.
    * perder hasta la camisa = lose + Posesivo + shirt.
    * perder ímpetu = lose + momentum, run out of + steam, lose + impetus.
    * perder influencia = lose + clout.
    * perder interés = lapse, lose + interest.
    * perder la cabeza = lose + Posesivo + mind, lose + Posesivo + head, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, fly off + the handle, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go + soft in the head.
    * perder la calma = blow + a fuse.
    * perder la chaveta = go + bonkers, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go + berserk, go + postal, go + haywire.
    * perder la chaveta por = have + a crush on.
    * perder la compostura = lose + Posesivo + balance, break down + in disarray.
    * perder la conciencia = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder la cordura = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder la credibilidad = lose + face.
    * perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).
    * perder la esperanza = despair, throw in + the towel, give up + hope, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * perder la fe = lose + Posesivo + faith.
    * perder la identidad de uno = lose + Posesivo + identity.
    * perder la ilusión = lose + heart.
    * perder la motivación = lose + motivation.
    * perder la noción del tiempo = lose + track of time, lose + all notion of time, lose + all sense of time.
    * perder la oportunidad = miss + the boat.
    * perder la paciencia = lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder la pista de = lose + track of.
    * perder la presión = depressurise [depressurize, -USA].
    * perder la razón = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder las facultades = lose + Posesivo + faculties.
    * perder la sincronización = get out of + step.
    * perder las riendas = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy.
    * perder la timidez con = warm up to.
    * perder la vida = lose + Posesivo + life.
    * perder la virginidad = lose + Posesivo + virginity.
    * perder la visión = lose + Posesivo + sight.
    * perder la vista = become + blind.
    * perder la voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.
    * perder los estribos = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder los nervios = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head.
    * perder los papeles = lose + control (of), lose + Posesivo + cool, lose + Posesivo + head, fly off + the handle, freak out, flip out.
    * perder nota = lose + marks.
    * perder para siempre = lose to + posterity.
    * perder peso = lose + weight.
    * perder poder = lose + power.
    * perder prestigio = lose + face.
    * perder propiedades = lose + property.
    * perder protagonismo = fade into + the background.
    * perderse = go astray, get + lost, lose + Posesivo + way, go + missing, miss out on, slip through + the cracks, get out of + Posesivo + depth, wander off + route, disorient, disorientate, wander off + track, lose + Posesivo + bearings.
    * perderse entre el gentío = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la muchedumbre = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la multitud = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perder sentido = lose + purpose.
    * perderse por = wander through.
    * perderse por los caminos secundarios = go + off-road.
    * perderse una clase = miss + class.
    * perder terreno = lose + ground.
    * perder tiempo = waste + time, lose + time.
    * perder (toda/la) esperanza = abandon + (all) hope.
    * perder una batalla = lose + battle.
    * perder una guerra = lose + war.
    * perder un amigo = lose + a friend.
    * perder una oportunidad = miss + opportunity, lose + opportunity, miss + chance, waste + opportunity.
    * perder una venta = lose + sale.
    * perder una votación = outvote.
    * perder un objeto personal = lose + property.
    * perder un partido = lose + match.
    * perder valor = lose + Posesivo + value.
    * perder ventas = lose + sales.
    * perder vigor = run out of + steam, lose + steam.
    * perder vitalidad = run out of + steam.
    * por probar nada se pierde = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.
    * que pierde agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * salir perdiendo = victimise [victimize, -USA], come off + worst, lose out, compare + unfavourably, lose + neck, be a little worse off.
    * salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * se pierda o se gane = win or lose.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin tiempo que perder = without a minute to spare.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * un arte que se está perdiendo = a dying art.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( extraviar) <llaves/documento/guante> to lose
    b) <señal/imagen/contacto> to lose
    a) <dinero/propiedad/cosecha> to lose

    con preguntar no se pierde nada — we've/you've nothing to lose by asking, there's no harm in asking

    más se perdió en la guerra — (fr hecha) it's not the end of the world

    b) <derecho/trabajo> to lose
    c) <brazo/sangre/vista> to lose

    perder la vida — to lose one's life, to perish; cabeza, vista II, III

    d) <hijo/marido> to lose
    a) <interés/entusiasmo/paciencia> to lose

    llegas tarde, para no perder la costumbre — (iró) you're late, just for a change (iro)

    perder la práctica/la costumbre — to get out of practice/the habit

    perder el conocimiento — to lose consciousness, to pass out

    b) <fuerza/intensidad/calor/altura> to lose

    perder el ritmo — (Mús) to lose the beat; ( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm

    c) <peso/kilos> to lose
    a) <autobús/tren/avión> to miss
    b) <ocasión/oportunidad> to miss
    c) < tiempo> to waste
    a) <guerra/pleito/partido> to lose
    b) <curso/año> to fail; < examen> (Ur) to fail
    7) <agua/aceite/aire> to lose
    perder vi
    1) ( ser derrotado) to lose
    a) cafetera/tanque to leak
    b) (RPl) color ( aclararse) to fade

    echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1) a), echarse I 1) a)

    perderse v pron
    a) ( extraviarse) persona/objeto to get lost; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿y a tí que se te ha perdido por allí? — whatever possessed you to go there

    no hay por dónde perderse — (Chi fam) there's no question about it

    b) ( desaparecer) to disappear
    c) (en tema, conversación)

    empieza otra vez, ya me perdí — start again, you've lost me already

    2) <fiesta/película/espectáculo> to miss
    a) ( acabar mal) to get into trouble, lose one's way (liter)
    b) (Per fam) ( prostituirse) to go on the streets (colloq)
    * * *
    = lose, misplace, forfeit, mislay, lose out, miss, suffer + loss.

    Ex: One of the hardest tasks of a curator is to make a precis of the information about a particular object without losing any essential information.

    Ex: This article discusses the common abuses of circulation privileges by a few faculty members: removing books from the library without checking them out; misplacing books after they have been checked out; and failing to return books when needed by others = Este artículo analiza los abusos comunes de los privilegios de préstamo por parte de unos pocos profesores: coger libros de la biblioteca sin sacarlos en préstamo, perder libros tras haberlos sacados en préstamo y no dever libros cuando otros los necesitan.
    Ex: In addition, it enables the library to respond to the needs of the new popular culture without forfeiting its traditional cultural purpose.
    Ex: Workflow systems automate business processes, such as the management of a housing benefit claim, to ensure all tasks are completed on time and no information can be lost or mislaid.
    Ex: Libraries, in the crush to pay journal invoices, are losing out, as other services as well as staffing and pay all end up unfunded = Las bibliotecas, ante la presión de tener que pagar las facturas de las revistas, salen perdiendo ya que otros servicios así como el personal y los salarios terminanan todos con insuficientes fondos.
    Ex: Thus the browser may miss valuable items, although some browsers will find browsing a perfectly adequate method of gauging the extent of a library collection.
    Ex: They played their third game of the season today and suffered another loss but the team continues to improve.
    * echar a perder = ruin, bungle, bring out + the worst in, cast + a blight on, blight, go off.
    * echarlo todo a perder = upset + the applecart.
    * echar + Posesivo + planes a perder = upset + Posesivo + plans.
    * ganar cuando todo parece estar perdido = victory from the jaws of defeat.
    * hacer perder el conocimiento = knock + Nombre + out, knock + Nombre + unconscious.
    * hacer perder el entusiasmo = dampen + Posesivo + enthusiasm.
    * hacer perder el sentido a = make + nonsense of.
    * hacer perder la agilidad física = stale.
    * hacer perder la agilidad mental = stale.
    * hacer perder las esperanzas = dampen + Posesivo + hopes.
    * hacer que Alguien pierda el empleo = put + Nombre + out of work.
    * hacer que pierda el interés = take + the shine off things.
    * llevar todas las de perder = odds + be stacked against, not have a leg to stand on.
    * lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.
    * lo que se pierda en una cosa se gana en la otra = what you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.
    * ni ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, keep on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no tener nada que perder = have + nothing to lose.
    * perder agua = lose + water, leak.
    * perder Algo = take + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + hands.
    * perder confianza = lose + confidence (in).
    * perder contacto con la realidad = lose + touch with reality.
    * perder control = lose + control (of).
    * perder credibilidad = destroy + credence.
    * perder de vista = lose from + sight, drop from + sight, lose + sight of.
    * perder de vista el hecho de que = lose + sight of the fact that.
    * perder eficacia = lose + clout.
    * perder el alma = lose + Posesivo + soul.
    * perder el ánimo = lose + heart.
    * perder el apetito = lose + Posesivo + appetite.
    * perder el atractivo = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour.
    * perder el color = fade.
    * perder el conocimiento = lose + Posesivo + senses, pass out, lose + Posesivo + consciousness.
    * perder el contacto con = lose + touch with.
    * perder el control = slip beyond + the grasp of, lose + Posesivo + grip, run + amok, sweep + Nombre + off + Posesivo + feet, go to + pieces, go + wild.
    * perder el control de Algo = get out of + hand.
    * perder el control de la situación = things + get out of hand.
    * perder el culo = go into + raptures.
    * perder el encanto = lose + Posesivo + allure, lose + Posesivo + savour, lose + Posesivo + shine.
    * perder el entusiasmo = lose + heart.
    * perder el equilibrio = lose + Posesivo + balance.
    * perder el favor de = lose + popularity with.
    * perder el hábito = lose + the habit.
    * perder el hilo = lose + the plot, lose + the thread.
    * perder el interés = pall.
    * perder el juicio = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder el norte = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el pie = lose + Posesivo + footing.
    * perder el rumbo = be off course, fly off + course.
    * perder el sentido = faint, lose + Posesivo + senses, lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder el sentido del humor = lose + sense of humour.
    * perder el sueño por = lose + sleep over/on.
    * perder el tiempo = dawdle, mess around, pissing into the wind, mess about, faff (about/around), pootle, sit + idle, muck around/about, piddle around.
    * perder el tiempo, hacer esto y aquello de un modo relajado = piddle around.
    * perder el valor = lose + Posesivo + nerve.
    * perder entusiasmo = lose + enthusiasm.
    * perder esperanza = lose + hope.
    * perder fuerza = lose + power, lose + steam.
    * perder gas = lose + steam.
    * perder hasta la camisa = lose + Posesivo + shirt.
    * perder ímpetu = lose + momentum, run out of + steam, lose + impetus.
    * perder influencia = lose + clout.
    * perder interés = lapse, lose + interest.
    * perder la cabeza = lose + Posesivo + mind, lose + Posesivo + head, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, fly off + the handle, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go + soft in the head.
    * perder la calma = blow + a fuse.
    * perder la chaveta = go + bonkers, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go + berserk, go + postal, go + haywire.
    * perder la chaveta por = have + a crush on.
    * perder la compostura = lose + Posesivo + balance, break down + in disarray.
    * perder la conciencia = lose + Posesivo + consciousness, pass out.
    * perder la cordura = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder la credibilidad = lose + face.
    * perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).
    * perder la esperanza = despair, throw in + the towel, give up + hope, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * perder la fe = lose + Posesivo + faith.
    * perder la identidad de uno = lose + Posesivo + identity.
    * perder la ilusión = lose + heart.
    * perder la motivación = lose + motivation.
    * perder la noción del tiempo = lose + track of time, lose + all notion of time, lose + all sense of time.
    * perder la oportunidad = miss + the boat.
    * perder la paciencia = lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder la pista de = lose + track of.
    * perder la presión = depressurise [depressurize, -USA].
    * perder la razón = lose + Posesivo + sanity.
    * perder las facultades = lose + Posesivo + faculties.
    * perder la sincronización = get out of + step.
    * perder las riendas = go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy.
    * perder la timidez con = warm up to.
    * perder la vida = lose + Posesivo + life.
    * perder la virginidad = lose + Posesivo + virginity.
    * perder la visión = lose + Posesivo + sight.
    * perder la vista = become + blind.
    * perder la voz = lose + Posesivo + voice.
    * perder los estribos = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head, go + berserk, go + postal, go + crazy, lose + Posesivo + temper.
    * perder los nervios = lose + Posesivo + cool, fly off + the handle, lose + Posesivo + head.
    * perder los papeles = lose + control (of), lose + Posesivo + cool, lose + Posesivo + head, fly off + the handle, freak out, flip out.
    * perder nota = lose + marks.
    * perder para siempre = lose to + posterity.
    * perder peso = lose + weight.
    * perder poder = lose + power.
    * perder prestigio = lose + face.
    * perder propiedades = lose + property.
    * perder protagonismo = fade into + the background.
    * perderse = go astray, get + lost, lose + Posesivo + way, go + missing, miss out on, slip through + the cracks, get out of + Posesivo + depth, wander off + route, disorient, disorientate, wander off + track, lose + Posesivo + bearings.
    * perderse entre el gentío = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la muchedumbre = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perderse entre la multitud = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * perder sentido = lose + purpose.
    * perderse por = wander through.
    * perderse por los caminos secundarios = go + off-road.
    * perderse una clase = miss + class.
    * perder terreno = lose + ground.
    * perder tiempo = waste + time, lose + time.
    * perder (toda/la) esperanza = abandon + (all) hope.
    * perder una batalla = lose + battle.
    * perder una guerra = lose + war.
    * perder un amigo = lose + a friend.
    * perder una oportunidad = miss + opportunity, lose + opportunity, miss + chance, waste + opportunity.
    * perder una venta = lose + sale.
    * perder una votación = outvote.
    * perder un objeto personal = lose + property.
    * perder un partido = lose + match.
    * perder valor = lose + Posesivo + value.
    * perder ventas = lose + sales.
    * perder vigor = run out of + steam, lose + steam.
    * perder vitalidad = run out of + steam.
    * por probar nada se pierde = nothing ventured, nothing gained.
    * que no se puede uno perder = unmissable.
    * que pierde agua = leaking, leaky [leakier -comp., leakiest -sup].
    * salir perdiendo = victimise [victimize, -USA], come off + worst, lose out, compare + unfavourably, lose + neck, be a little worse off.
    * salir sin ganar ni perder = break + even.
    * se pierda o se gane = win or lose.
    * sin perder de vista = with an eye on.
    * sin perder un (solo) minuto = without a moment wasted, without a wasted moment, without a minute wasted, without a wasted minute.
    * sin tiempo que perder = without a minute to spare.
    * tener todas las de perder = fight + a losing battle.
    * un arte que se está perdiendo = a dying art.

    * * *
    perder [E8 ]
    1 (extraviar) ‹llaves/documento/guante› to lose
    he perdido su dirección I've lost her address
    perdió las tijeras y se pasó una hora buscándolas she mislaid o lost the scissors and spent an hour looking for them
    me perdiste la página you lost my place o page
    perdí a mi marido en la muchedumbre I lost my husband in the crowd
    no pierdas de vista al niño don't let the child out of your sight
    2 ‹señal/imagen/contacto› to lose
    hemos perdido el contacto con el avión we've lost contact with the plane
    (ser la ruina de): lo perdió la curiosidad his curiosity was his undoing o his downfall
    1 ‹dinero/propiedad/cosecha› to lose
    perdió mil pesos jugando al póker she lost a thousand pesos playing poker
    perdió una fortuna en ese negocio he lost a fortune in o on that deal
    con preguntar no se pierde nada we've/you've nothing to lose by asking, there's no harm in asking, we/you can but ask
    más se perdió en la guerra ( fr hecha); things could be worse!, worse things happen at sea, it's not the end of the world
    terreno2 (↑ terreno (2))
    2 ‹derecho/trabajo› to lose
    si te vas pierdes el lugar en la cola if you go away you lose your place in the line ( AmE) o ( BrE) queue
    3 ‹ojo/brazo› to lose; ‹vista/oído› to lose
    ha perdido mucho peso/mucha sangre she's lost a lot of weight/blood
    el susto le hizo perder el habla the fright rendered him speechless
    perder la vida to lose one's life, to perish
    4 ‹hijo/marido› to lose
    perder un niño or un bebé (en el embarazo) to lose a baby, to have a miscarriage
    1 ‹interés/entusiasmo› to lose; ‹paciencia› to lose
    no hay que perder el ánimo you mustn't lose heart
    yo no pierdo las esperanzas I'm not giving up hope
    he perdido la costumbre de levantarme temprano I've got(ten) out of o I've lost the habit of getting up early
    llegas tarde, para no perder la costumbre ( iró); you're late, just for a change ( iro)
    trata de no perder la práctica try not to get out of practice
    tienes que perderles el miedo a los aviones you have to get over o to overcome your fear of flying
    perder el equilibrio to lose one's balance
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness, to pass out
    2 ‹fuerza/intensidad/calor› to lose
    el avión empezó a perder altura the plane began to lose height
    perder el ritmo ( Mús) to lose the beat
    estás trabajando muy bien, no pierdas el ritmo you're working well, keep it up!
    3 ‹peso/kilos› to lose
    1 ‹autobús/tren/avión› to miss
    2 ‹ocasión› to miss
    sería tonto perder esta estupenda oportunidad it would be stupid to miss o to pass up this marvelous opportunity
    no pierde oportunidad de recordarnos cuánto le debemos he never misses a chance to remind us how much we owe him
    3 ‹tiempo›
    ¡no me hagas perder (el) tiempo! don't waste my time!
    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    no pierdas (el) tiempo, no lo vas a convencer don't waste your time, you're not going to convince him
    llámalo sin perder un minuto call him immediately
    perdimos dos días por lo de la huelga we lost two days because of the strike
    1 ‹guerra/pleito› to lose; ‹partido› to lose
    2 ‹curso/año› to fail
    perder un examen (Ur); to fail an exam
    G ‹agua/aceite/aire› to lose
    el coche pierde aceite the car has an oil leak o is losing oil
    el globo perdía aire air was escaping from the balloon
    ■ perder
    A (ser derrotado) to lose
    perdimos por un punto we lost by one point
    no sabes perder you're a bad loser
    no discutas con él porque llevas las de perder don't argue with him because you'll lose
    la que sale perdiendo soy yo I lose out o come off worst
    1 ( RPl) «cafetera/tanque» to leak
    2 «color» (aclararse) to fade; (tiñiendo otras prendas) to run
    1 (extraviarse) «persona/objeto» to get lost
    siempre me pierdo en esta ciudad I always get lost in this town
    no te pierdas, llámanos de vez en cuando don't lose touch, call us now and then
    (+ me/te/le etc): se le perdió el dinero he's lost the money
    guárdalo bien para que no se te pierda keep it safe so you don't lose it
    no hay por dónde perderse ( Chi fam); there's no question about it
    2 (desaparecer) to disappear
    se perdió entre la muchedumbre she disappeared into the crowd
    (en un tema, una conversación): cuando se ponen a hablar rápido me pierdo when they start talking quickly I get lost
    me distraje un momento y me perdí my attention wandered for a moment and I lost the thread
    las cifras son tan enormes que uno se pierde the figures are so huge that they start to lose all meaning
    empieza otra vez, ya me perdí start again, you've lost me already
    (en una prenda, un espacio): te pierdes en ese vestido you look lost in that dress
    los sillones quedan perdidos en ese salón tan grande the armchairs are rather lost in such a big sitting room
    B ‹fiesta/película/espectáculo› to miss
    no te perdiste nada you didn't miss anything
    te perdiste una excelente oportunidad de callarte la boca ( hum); you could have kept your big mouth shut ( colloq)
    C «persona»
    1 (acabar mal) to get into trouble, lose one's way ( liter)
    2 ( Per fam) (prostituirse) to go on the streets o the game ( colloq)
    * * *


    perder ( conjugate perder) verbo transitivo
    1 ( en general) to lose;

    quiere perder peso he wants to lose weight;
    con preguntar no se pierde nada we've/you've nothing to lose by asking;
    perder la vida to lose one's life, to perish;
    See also→ cabeza 1 e, vista 2 3;
    yo no pierdo las esperanzas I'm not giving up hope;
    perder la práctica to get out of practice;
    perder el equilibrio to lose one's balance;
    perder el conocimiento to lose consciousness, to pass out;
    perder el ritmo (Mús) to lose the beat;

    ( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm
    a)autobús/tren/avión to miss

    b)ocasión/oportunidad to miss;

    c) tiempo to waste;

    ¡no me hagas perder (el) tiempo! don't waste my time!;

    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    a)guerra/pleito/partido to lose

    b)curso/año to fail;

    examen› (Ur) to fail
    4agua/aceite/aire to lose
    verbo intransitivo
    1 ( ser derrotado) to lose;

    no sabes perder you're a bad loser;
    llevar las de perder to be onto a loser;
    la que sale perdiendo soy yo I'm the one who loses out o comes off worst
    2 [cafetera/tanque] to leak
    echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1a, echarse 1a

    perderse verbo pronominal
    1 [persona/objeto] to get lost;

    se le perdió el dinero he's lost the money;
    cuando se ponen a hablar rápido me pierdo when they start talking quickly I get lost
    2fiesta/película/espectáculo to miss
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (un objeto) to lose
    2 (un medio de transporte) to miss
    3 (el tiempo) to waste
    4 (oportunidad) to miss ➣ Ver nota en miss
    5 (cualidad, costumbre, sentido) to lose: tienes que perder tus miedos, you have to overcome your fears
    6 (agua, aceite) to leak
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (disminuir una cualidad) to lose
    2 (estropear) to ruin, go off
    3 (en una competición, batalla) to lose
    ♦ Locuciones: echar (algo) a perder, to spoil (sthg)
    llevar las de perder, to be onto a loser
    ' perder' also found in these entries:
    - aflojar
    - baño
    - borda
    - brújula
    - cabeza
    - cabo
    - clarear
    - conciencia
    - conocimiento
    - costumbre
    - cuenta
    - declinar
    - descuidarse
    - desesperarse
    - desfallecer
    - desgracia
    - desinflarse
    - desnaturalizar
    - despedirse
    - despintar
    - despistar
    - destinada
    - destinado
    - desvanecerse
    - deteriorarse
    - distraerse
    - don
    - enloquecer
    - estribo
    - facultad
    - flaquear
    - granizada
    - hilo
    - infortunio
    - innecesaria
    - innecesario
    - interés
    - joderse
    - juicio
    - llevar
    - norte
    - papel
    - pasarse
    - peso
    - razón
    - resbalar
    - rumbo
    - saber
    - sentida
    - balance
    - black out
    - blow
    - boat
    - bound
    - break
    - bungle
    - cool
    - course
    - crush
    - danger
    - dawdle
    - decline
    - dignity
    - dilly-dally
    - erode
    - even
    - face
    - fade
    - fiddle around
    - flag
    - footing
    - forfeit
    - freak out
    - gamble away
    - gazump
    - ground
    - grow out of
    - handle
    - hang about
    - hang around
    - heart
    - keep
    - leak
    - lose
    - mislay
    - miss
    - muck about
    - muck around
    - muck up
    - pall
    - piece
    - pot
    - rack
    - rag
    - reason
    - rise
    - risk
    - shape
    * * *
    1. [extraviar] to lose;
    he perdido el paraguas I've lost my umbrella
    2. [dejar de tener] [dinero, amigo, empleo, interés] to lose;
    he perdido el contacto con ellos I've lost touch with them;
    la policía ha perdido la pista o [m5] el rastro de los secuestradores the police have lost track of the kidnappers;
    no sé nada de Ana, le he perdido la pista o [m5] el rastro I don't know anything about Ana, I've lost touch with her;
    el accidente le hizo perder la visión he lost his sight in the accident;
    ya hemos perdido toda esperanza de encontrarlo we've now given up o lost all hope of finding him;
    he perdido bastante práctica I'm rather out of practice;
    perder el equilibrio/la memoria to lose one's balance/memory;
    perder peso to lose weight;
    perder el miedo/el respeto a alguien to lose one's fear of/respect for sb;
    cientos de personas perdieron la vida hundreds of people lost their lives;
    no tienes/tiene/ etc[m5]. nada que perder you have/he has/ etc nothing to lose;
    más se perdió en Cuba o [m5] en la guerra it's not as bad as all that, it's not the end of the world
    3. [ser derrotado en] [batalla, partido, campeonato, elecciones] to lose;
    este error podría hacerle perder el partido this mistake could lose her the game
    4. [desperdiciar] [tiempo] to waste;
    [oportunidad, ocasión] to miss;
    no pierdas el tiempo con o [m5] en tonterías don't waste your time on nonsense like that;
    he perdido toda la mañana en llamadas de teléfono I've wasted all morning making phone calls;
    no hay tiempo que perder there's no time to lose
    5. [no alcanzar] [tren, vuelo, autobús] to miss
    6. [tener un escape de] [agua] to lose, to leak;
    la bombona pierde aire air is escaping from the cylinder;
    ese camión va perdiendo aceite that truck o Br lorry is losing o leaking oil
    7. [perjudicar] to be the ruin of;
    le pierde su pasión por el juego his passion for gambling is ruining him
    8. Urug [examen] to fail
    1. [salir derrotado] to lose;
    perder al póquer/billar to lose at poker/billiards;
    perdimos (por) dos a cero we lost Br two-nil o US two-zero;
    no te pelees con él, que llevas las de perder don't get into a fight with him, you're bound to lose;
    sabe/no sabe perder he's a good/bad loser;
    salir perdiendo to lose out, to come off worse
    2. [empeorar] to go downhill;
    este restaurante ha perdido mucho this restaurant has really gone downhill;
    estas alfombras pierden bastante al lavarlas these rugs don't wash very well
    3. [tener un escape] [de agua, aceite] to have a leak;
    esa bombona pierde that gas cylinder is leaking;
    una de las ruedas pierde por la válvula the air's coming out of one of the tyres
    4. [en frases]
    echar algo a perder to spoil sth;
    echarse a perder [alimento] to spoil, Br to go off
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 objeto lose;
    ¡piérdete! get lost!;
    no tener nada que perder have nothing to lose
    2 tren, avión etc miss
    3 el tiempo waste
    II v/i lose;
    tener las de perder be at a disadvantage;
    salir perdiendo come off worst
    * * *
    perder {56} vt
    1) : to lose
    2) : to miss
    perdimos la oportunidad: we missed the opportunity
    3) : to waste (time)
    perder vi
    : to lose
    * * *
    perder vb
    1. (en general) to lose [pt. & pp. lost]
    2. (tren, avión, oportunidad, etc) to miss
    3. (tiempo) to waste
    4. (líquido, gas) to leak
    echar a perder algo to ruin something / to spoil something
    echarse a perder to go off / to go bad

    Spanish-English dictionary > perder

  • 19 γλῶσσα

    γλῶσσα, ης, ἡ (Hom.+; ins, pap, LXX, En; TestJob 43:12; Test12Patr; JosAs 13:8; GrBar 3:6; ApcSed; AscIs 3:18; Philo, Joseph., Just., Tat.)
    organ of speech, tongue
    lit. (Did., Gen. 88, 26) Lk 16:24; as an organ of speech (Iambl., Vi. Pyth. 31, 195 χαλεπώτατόν ἐστιν τὸ γλώττης κρατεῖν; Did., Gen. 46, 26 ὄργανον λόγου ἐστὶν ἡ γ.) Mk 7:33, 35; (Vi. Aesopi I G 7 P.: Isis heals the mute Aesop τὸ τραχὺ τῆς γλώττης ἀποτεμοῦσα, τὸ κωλῦον αὐτὸν λαλεῖν ‘cutting off the rough part of his tongue that prevented him from speaking’) Lk 1:64; Ro 3:13 (Ps 5:10; 13:3; cp. Hes., Op. 322–26); 14:11 (Is 45:23); Js 1:26; 3:5f, 8 (Apion in the schol. on Od. 3, 341 κράτιστον τῶν μελῶν ἡ γλῶσσα.—JGeffcken, Kynika usw. 1909, 45–53; GAvdBergh vEysinga, NThT 20, ’31, 303–20). 1J 3:18; διὰ τῆς γ. w. the tongue, i.e., in speaking 1 Cor 14:9 (Just., A I, 16, 8 διὰ γλώττης). παύειν τὴν γ. ἀπὸ κακοῦ keep the tongue from (saying) evil things 1 Pt 3:10; 1 Cl 22:3 (both Ps 33:14). Synon. στόμα 35:8 (Ps 49:19); Rv 16:10; 1 Cl 15:4f (Ps 77:36; 11:4f). τὸ ἐπιεικὲς τῆς γ. moderation of the tongue 21:7. μάστιξ γλώσσης words of reproof 56:10 (Job 5:21). Conceited speech 57:2 (cp. 3 Macc 2:17). Of evil tongues Hv 2, 2, 3. ἠγαλλιάσατο ἡ γλῶσσά μου my tongue exulted (the organ for the pers., cp. πούς 1b) Ac 2:26; 1 Cl 18:15 (both Ps 15:9). τὴν γ. προβάλλειν put out the tongue, hiss of a dragon Hv 4, 1, 9.
    fig., of forked flames Ac 2:3 (=לְשׁוֹן אֵשׁ Is 5:24; cp. En 14:9f).
    a body of words and systems that makes up a distinctive language, language, tongue
    of the language itself (Hom. et al.; PGiss 99, 9; Philo, Mos. 2, 40; Jos., Ant. 10, 8; 158; Just., D. 102, 4) Ac 2:6 v.l., 11; language λαλεῖν ἑτέραις γλώσσαις Ac 2:4. On this s. ἕτερος 2 end.; B-D-F §480, 3.
    of language viewed in terms of pers. using it, language, tongue: πᾶσα γ. every language=every person, regardless of the language that pers. speaks Ro 14:11; Phil 2:11 (Is 45:23; cp. POxy 1381, 198: Ἑλληνὶς δὲ πᾶσα γλῶσσα τὴν σὴν λαλήσει ἱστορίαν καὶ πᾶς Ἕλλην ἀνὴρ τὸν τοῦ Φθᾶ σεβήσεται Ἰμούθην; PGM 12, 188) IMg 10:3. As a distinctive feature of nations γ. can be used as a synonym of φυλή, λαός, ἔθνος (Is 66:18; Da 3:4, 7 al.; Jdth 3:8; AscIs 3:18) Rv 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9; 13:7; 14:6; 17:15; 2 Cl 17:4 (Is 66:18).
    an utterance outside the normal patterns of intelligible speech and therefore requiring special interpretation, ecstatic language, ecstatic speech, tongue, γλῶσσαι, γένη γλωσσῶν, (ἐν) γλώσσῃ/-αις λαλεῖν (λαλούντων διὰ τοῦ πνεύματος γλώσσαις Iren. 5, 6, 1 [Harv. II 334, 3]) 1 Cor 14:1–27, 39; 12:10, 28, 30; 13:1, 8; Ac 10:46; 19:6. Always without the article (in 1 Cor 14:22 αἱ is anaphoric; vs. 9 belongs under mng. 1a). There is no doubt about the thing referred to, namely the strange speech of persons in religious ecstasy. The phenomenon, as found in Hellenistic religion, is described esp. by ERohde (Psyche3 1903, Eng. tr. 1925, 289–93) and Reitzenstein; cp. Celsus 7, 8; 9. The origin of the term is less clear. Two explanations are prominent today. The one (Bleek, Heinrici et al.) holds that γλῶσσα here means antiquated, foreign, unintelligible, mysterious utterances (Diod S 4, 66, 7 κατὰ γλῶτταν=according to an old expression). The other (Rtzst., Bousset et al.) sees in glossolalia a speaking in marvelous, celestial languages. On ἑρμηνεία γλωσσῶν 1 Cor 12:10 (cp. 14:26) s. ἑρμηνεία.—γλώσσαις καιναῖς λαλεῖν Mk 16:17.—On ‘speaking in tongues’ s. HGunkel, Die Wirkungen d. hl. Geistes2 1899; HWeinel, D. Wirkungen d. Geistes u. d. Geister im nachap. Zeitalter 1899; ELombard, De la Glossolalie chez les premiers chrétiens 1910; EMosiman, Das Zungenreden geschichtl. u. psychol. unters. 1911. WReinhard, D. Wirken d. hl. Geistes 1918, 120ff; KLSchmidt, Die Pfingsterzählung u. d. Pfingstereignis 1919 (against him PSchmiedel, PM 24, 1920, 73–86); HGüntert, Von der Sprache der Götter u. Geister 1921, 23ff; AMackie, The Gift of Tongues 1922; HRust, D. Zungenreden 1924; FBüchsel, D. Geist Gottes im NT 1926, 242ff; 321ff; GCutten, Speaking with Tongues 1927; IMartin, 3rd, Glossolalia in the Apostolic Church: JBL 63, ’44, 123–30; JDavies, Pentecost and Glossolalia: JTS n.s. 3, ’52, 228–31; FBeare, JBL 83, ’64, 229–46; SCurrie, Int 19, ’65, 274–94; RHarrisville, CBQ 38, ’76, 35–48; RAC XI 225–46; EDNT I 251–55.—B. 230; 1260. Frisk. DELG s.v. γλῶχες. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > γλῶσσα

  • 20 cojones

    balls (vulgar). (peninsular Spanish)
    ¡ahora lo vas a hacer por cojones! you bloody o (British) goddamn well ARE going to do it! (United States)
    es bueno/malo de cojones it's bloody o (British) goddamn marvelous/awful (United States)
    ¡no me sale de los cojones! I can't be bloody o (British) goddamn bothered! (United States), I can't be arsed! (British)
    tener cojones to have balls
    ¡cojones! for fuck's sake! (expresa enfado)
    * * *
    masculino plural
    1) (vulg) ( testículos) balls (pl) (sl or vulg)

    decir/hacer alguien lo que le sale de los cojones — (Esp) to say/do what one damn well likes (colloq)

    hincharle los cojones a alguien — (vulg) to piss somebody off (sl)

    tener cojones — (vulg) to have guts (colloq), to have balls (sl)

    yo trabajo y él se toca los cojonesI do all the work and he just sits around on his butt (AmE) o (BrE) backside (colloq)

    2) (vulg) ( uso expletivo)

    hoy le toca a él, qué cojones! — it's his damned turn today! (colloq)

    hace un frío de cojonesit's goddam (AmE sl) o (BrE sl) bloody freezing cold

    * * *
    * de cojones = badass.
    * hacer un frío de cojones = be brass monkey weather.
    * hinchar los cojones = piss + Nombre + off.
    * tocar los cojones = piss + Nombre + off.
    * * *
    masculino plural
    1) (vulg) ( testículos) balls (pl) (sl or vulg)

    decir/hacer alguien lo que le sale de los cojones — (Esp) to say/do what one damn well likes (colloq)

    hincharle los cojones a alguien — (vulg) to piss somebody off (sl)

    tener cojones — (vulg) to have guts (colloq), to have balls (sl)

    yo trabajo y él se toca los cojonesI do all the work and he just sits around on his butt (AmE) o (BrE) backside (colloq)

    2) (vulg) ( uso expletivo)

    hoy le toca a él, qué cojones! — it's his damned turn today! (colloq)

    hace un frío de cojonesit's goddam (AmE sl) o (BrE sl) bloody freezing cold

    * * *
    * de cojones = badass.
    * hacer un frío de cojones = be brass monkey weather.
    * hinchar los cojones = piss + Nombre + off.
    * tocar los cojones = piss + Nombre + off.
    * * *
    A ( vulg) (testículos) balls (pl) (slor vulg)
    estar hasta los cojones ( vulg); to be pissed off (sl)
    hincharle los cojones a algn ( vulg); to piss sb off (sl), to get up sb's nose ( BrE colloq)
    salirle a algn de los cojones ( vulg): yo digo lo que me sale de los cojones I say what I damn well like! ( colloq), I say what I bloody well like! ( BrE sl)
    tener cojones ( vulg); to have guts ( colloq), to have balls (sl)
    tocarse los cojones ( vulg): nosotros aquí trabajando como monos y él en casa tocándose los cojones we're here slaving away and he's at home sitting on his butt ( AmE) o ( BrE) backside ( colloq), we're here slaving away and he's at home doing damn o ( BrE) sod all (sl)
    B ( vulg)
    (uso expletivo): hoy le toca a él, ¡qué cojones! it's his damned turn today! ( colloq)
    encima dice que yo tengo la culpa, ¡manda cojones! and to cap it all, he says it's my fault, what a nerve! o ( BrE) what a bloody cheek! ( colloq)
    tiene que pasar por aquí por cojones he has to come this way whether he likes it or not, he has to come this way, he's got no bloody choice ( BrE sl)
    este coche de los cojones this damned car ( colloq), this sodding o bloody car ( BrE sl)
    * * *

    cojones sustantivo masculino plural (vulg) ( testículos) balls (pl) (sl o vulg);
    estar hasta los cojones (vulg) to be pissed off (sl);

    tener cojones (vulg) to have guts (colloq), to have balls (sl)

    ' cojones' also found in these entries:
    - huevo
    * * *
    1) : testicles pl
    2) : guts pl, courage

    Spanish-English dictionary > cojones

См. также в других словарях:

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